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Admission to official master's degrees

  • DESCRIPTION: This is the process that students follow when applying for admission to a university master's degree.

Implementation course: 2024-25


Application procedures


The interested party.


At the URV website.


Those students who are interested in pre-registering on a course can do so in the following phases:

  • First phase: from 1 March to 15 April.
  • Second phase: from 18 April to 30 May (this period will be open for applications only if there are still vacancies after the first period has expired).
  • Third phase: from 31 May to 17 July (this period will only be opened if there are still places remaining that were not filled during the previous periods).
  • Fourth phase: from 18 July to 20 September (this period will only be opened if there are still places remaining that were not filled during the previous periods).

The university will be closed during the month of August, so no emails or applications will be dealt with. All documentation uploaded to the document manager while the University is closed will be checked in September.

Remember that the European Master on Wine Tourism (WINTOUR) and the University Master's Degree in Training for Teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education and Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching follow their own calendars.


At the URV website:

1) By filling in the application that you will find at the following address:

2) By accessing the document manager and upload the before the end of the corresponding pre-registration period.

Candidates that have been admitted and who have presented foreign documentation must present this documentation again in accordance with the specific requisites (translated, legalised and attested)  at the Campus Secretariat before they can complete the registration process.


To pre-enrol you must pay a non-returnable fee. This fee must be paid with a debit or credit card. Your pre-enrolment is only valid once you have paid this fee.

We inform you that if you are admitted to the 1th or 2nd phase we offer you the chance to reserve your place by paying a deposit or €400.



Resolution of the application


The Academic Committee/Coordinator of the master's course.


The resolution will be made public on the document manager at the end of each phase.


  • By announcing whether the candidate has been admitted or excluded on the computer system. 

  • In the case of the interuniversity Master's Degrees, the coordinating University will inform students whether they have been admitted.


Students with non-recognized foreign qualifications will have to pay the Academic Record Study fee, stipulated in the Decree of Public Prices, so that the documentation presented for admission to the Master's Degree can be reviewed. If this fee is not paid the candidate will not be registered.

En caso de discrepancia entre las traducciones, prevalecerá el redactado de la versión en catalán.