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Extension of the thesis submission deadline

  • DESCRIPTION: This procedure must be followed by students who will not be able to deposit their thesis within the stipulated deadline:

    For students who started their doctoral studies prior to or during the academic year 2022-23, the duration is as follows:

    Full-time → Maximum duration of three years
    Part-time* → Maximum duration of five years

    For students who started their doctoral studies during or after the academic year 2023-24, the duration is as follows:

    Full-time → Maximum duration of four years
    Part-time → Maximum duration of seven years

    Students who have accredited a minimum degree of disability of 33%, the duration is as follows:

    Part-time → Maximum duration of six years
    Full-time → Maximum duration of nine years

Application procedure


The doctoral student, once registered, or an authorised person on presentation of the necessary identification.


Through the online administrative procedures on the Intranet of the URV.

If the student does not have access to the online procedures, they can submit their application to the General Registry of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili or to any of its auxiliary registries.


At any time during the academic year but no later than three months before the deadline for depositing the doctoral thesis. This deadline can be consulted on the SAD.


Students must present:

Application form addressed to the chair of the academic committee of the doctoral programme.




  • For students who started their doctoral studies before or during the academic year 2022-23:

    • If they request a change from full time to part time during the first extension, the extension will be two years, but the period before the extension will not be recalculated and will remain three years.

    • Students cannot request a change from full time to part time during the second extension, because it has no effect on the calculation of academic progress.

  • For students who started their doctoral studies during or after the academic year 2022-23:

    • During the extension period, students cannot request a change in full/part time status because it has no corresponding effect on their course load status.

The Campus/Faculty/School Secretariat will process their application with the corresponding academic committee.


Resolution of the application


The academic committee of the doctoral programme. In the event of an unfavourable resolution for technical reasons, the corresponding technical body, as delegated by the Academic Committee, will decide.


When required. Always before the deadline for depositing the thesis.


  • The academic committee assesses the application and, if necessary, accepts it, signs the document electronically and sends it by email to the campus/faculty/school secretariat for academic management.

  • The campus/faculty/school secretariat for academic management updates the information in the student's file and sends them the corresponding resolution by electronic notification. It will send a copy of this resolution to the Doctoral School, to the secretary's office of the corresponding department and to the doctoral programme coordinators.


  • If the thesis is not submitted within the established time limit, the student is permanently removed from the programme. If they wish to continue with their doctoral studies, they must register on another programme before the stipulated deadline.

  • Doctoral students must maintain their administrative relationship with the URV by registering annually up until the moment when they deposit and defend their doctoral thesis.