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Governing bodies

The governing and representative bodies of the University are at the service of the general interest, by involving the university community in decision-making, and implement initiatives and changes to improve the University and its environment, in accordance with the principles of objectivity, impartiality, efficiency, effectiveness, coordination, collaboration, cooperation, transparency, accountability and consistency in decision-making.

Executive Council

It is the rector’s advisory and consultative body for directing, coordinating and executing University policy and management.

The Executive Council consists of the rector, who chairs it, the vice-rectors, the general secretary, the general manager and, if required, other members appointed by the rector.

Governing Council

The Governing Council is the body that governs the University. It consists of the rector, the secretary or general secretary, the general manager and up to 50 other members, among whom there are vice-rectors and other members of the University appointed by the rector; deans and directors of schools; heads of department; members of the Board of Trustees, and members selected by the Senate. The Senate members include representatives of the teaching and research staff; the managerial, adminstrative and service staff; and the students.

University Senate

The University Senate is the highest representative body of the university community. It consists of the rector, who is responsible for convening meetings, the general secretary, the general manager and a maximum of 200 others: members of the Executive Council, the deans and faculty/school directors, heads of department, directors of university research institutes, a representation of the teaching and research staff, students, and administration and service staff.

Among other things, the University Senate has the power to modify the University’s Statute, elect the representatives of the various sectors of the university on the Governing Council, elect the University ombuds officer and receive their annual report, express opinions on particular aspects of the University and receive the rector’s annual report.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the body through which society participates in the University. It consists of fifteen members, six of whom are representatives of the Governing Council, which guarantees representation of all groups in the university community, and the other nine members are representatives of Catalan society, appointed in accordance with the current legislation.