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Càtedra de Dolor Infantil URV-Fundación Grünenthal

The URV-Fundación Grünenthal Chair in Paediatric Pain and the Algos research group in pain are multidisciplinary teams of professionals who work for improving the quality of life of those who suffer from pain, especially children and young adults. Improving the quality of life of children and youths with chronic pain is possible

The slogan of the URV Chair in Paediatric Pain-Grünenthal Foundation is: investigating, sharing, improving. The Chair's fundamental objective is to investigate; to channel, promote and lead research into paediatric pain; to investigate in order to acquire knowledge but also to know what knowledge to acquire and how to acquire it, and to do so always with the desire to share this knowledge. For the Chair, the verbs investigate and share are conjugated simultaneously. Scientific or any other type of progress depends to a large extent on sharing experiences and knowledge. The greatest advances in the study and treatment of pain are the result of collaboration between multiple agents and players.
