Oportunitats de cursos i estades breus internacionals
A més dels programes de mobilitat i de les estades de llarga durada, teniu l'opció de fer cursos breus i activitats que organitzin altres universitats o institucions d'educació superior. Sovint són estades dedicades a la formació lingüística però també en podeu trobar d'altres temàtiques.
Per la vostra informació, en aquesta pàgina publicarem les activitats de què tinguem coneixement. Tingueu en compte que NO SÓN ACTIVITATS ORGANITZADES PER LA URV i, per tant, la inscripció i tots els tràmits relacionats els heu de realitzar directament amb la universitat que les organitza.
Estades i Cursos Internacionals
Banco Santander ofereix una gran varietat de beques d’estudi, d’idiomes, de techologia, de habilitats, de práctiques, de investiigació i beques per a dones. Consulta la seva oferta al següent link.
Banco Santander ofereix beques Becas para emprendedores Santander X . Convocatories de programes de empreneduria per a estudiants universitaris.
International Student Seminar for Global Citizenship and Peace 2024 is now accepting students' applications. In collaboration with the INU, the Hiroshima University hosts each summer a Global Citizenship and Peace seminar on a different topic. This year's topic is "Global Peace and Political Justice" and will be held from August 1st -10th, 2024. The deadline for URV students for applying is 7th March through the link here.
SGroup PhD Cup. The training will be focused on rhetoric skills and communicating research results with wide audiences. The competition is based on the 3-Minutes Thesis pitch model. After a 1st selection round, the top 5 PhD students will be invited by their home Universities to travel to Paris-Cergy, France, to present their 3 minute pitch to the General Assembly representatives. The 2nd round of the selection process will happen in Paris-Cergy and the PhD Student that will win this last stage of the competition will be granted one PhD Mobility Grant of up to 1.000€ to carry out research abroad, in an institution of his/her choice. The deadline for applying is April 26th 2024. More details and application here.
Litoral Institute of Advanced Studies scholarships are now available for research stays to be completed during the academic year 2024. This call for project proposals is aimed to foreign researchers from all areas of science who have an interdisciplinary perspective.The research proposal topic in 2024 will be A Shared Future: The Comprehensive and Global View of Health (Human Health, Environment and Zoonoses). The submission deadline is 30th April 2024 until 3 p.m. (Argentina time). More information here. For any doubts contact iealitoral(ELIMINAR)@unl.edu.ar.
Universitats d'Estiu
Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France) – "French Horizons Bootcamp: bridging art and inclusion". Summer school from June 10 to 22, 2025. The cost per student is €700 for 12 days, including tuition, sports and cultural activities, accommodation, breakfasts and lunches. You'll find all the information you need and the registration procedure.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Antioquia (Colombia) - Summer Course in Primary Health Care (PHC). Medellín, Colombia, from July 8 to August 25, 2025. Designed for professionals, academics, and students interested in strengthening their knowledge and skills in PHC. For more information and registration.
University of Pécs (Hungary) – 2025 Summer School 2 or 4-week programs. Info session date: November 27, 18. PM CET. This session will provide details on our diverse range of summer schools, offering students a chance to earn credits while experiencing an unforgettable summer in Hungary. Registration link. All programs are held in English and open to undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students. Further information.
Formació Lingüística
Vytatuas Magnus University (Lithuania) – Lithuanian Language and Cultural Summer Course. Students and academic staff are invited to attend this course from July 6th to August 4th. During 4 weeks participants will study one Lithuanian language level, attend sociocultural lectures related to Lithuanian studies, go on several fieldtrips and visit a significant number of cultural attractions. The deadline for applying is March 1st. Apply here.
CILEC (France) – Intensive French courses DUEF. The application deadline is May 4th for Autumn semester and September 29th 2024 for Spring semester. You will find more information here.
Virtual exchanges
State University of Londrina (UEL) – Introduction to Design Thinking Course. This tuition-free course held on April 16th-25th via Google Meet aims to provide a better understanding of how design can contribute to the development of innovation and the mental model of design thinking, as well as introduce Design Thinking to increase the student's ability to innovate within organizations. The application deadline is April 13th. Apply here.
Global Citizenship and Sustainable Futures; Learning for Change – This INU programme is looking for Students with good English and ambition from all around the world. The URV will select 10 students willing to participate. If you want to join this international programme, you would need to be available to attend 3 core sessions, as well as their 3 electives, during a year. Times and dates are listed on the website here. If you are interested you must apply before the 28th January here. NEW DEADLINE 4th FEBRUARY! See the selection results (29.01.2024)
Virtual Mobility Programme at the University of Maribor – The activities are offered for educational purposes and/or allow students to acquire new competencies and knowledge, without physical mobility. You can apply until February 16 here. You can find information about the available subjects and application procedure here.