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Màster universitari Erasmus Mundus en Transicions i Innovacions en Enoturisme (WINTOUR) - 8a edició

Màster universitari Erasmus Mundus en Transicions i Innovacions en Enoturisme (WINTOUR)

Preguntes més freqüents

He estudiat en una universitat estrangera, he d'homologar el títol per estudiar un màster a la URV?

El títol no s'ha d'homologar però sí que és necessari legalitzar-lo si no l'has obtingut en un país de la UE, o signants de l'Acord sobre l'Espai Econòmic Europeu o Països amb Acords Bilaterals amb la UE. Consulta quins documents requereixen legalització o traducció i com realitzar aquests tràmits a l'apartat de requisits de la documentació expedida a l’estranger.

Can I apply for the WINTOUR master if I have not received my diploma or have not graduated yet?

The answer depends on which is the country where you come from/have studied:

  • Students from Programme countries that are in the final year of Bachelor degree are allowed to apply for the programme (if they accomplish certain requirements in terms of number of credits done at the moment of application). Applicants in this situation should be able to send their diploma (or a document certifying that they have paid for it) no later than July.
  • Students from Partner countries must have completed university bachelor or master's degree/s (at least 180 ECTS) and document that they have graduated to apply for the programme. Hence, if you expect to finish your studies later than the deadline for applications, you can not participate in the current call for applications.

Which level of English language proficiency is required to apply for the WINTOUR master? Which certifications are accepted?

We do expect that candidates have a good command of the English language that enables them to communicate well at an academic level. The level of English proficiency should be at least B2, using the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages scale. English skills must be documented with the qualification of a recent English test (Cambridge ESOL, IELTS or TOEFL are accepted).

Can I still apply for WINTOUR if my language examination results in English are lower than specified in the requirements?

No. Applicants with scores lower than the minimum requirement will not be considered for selection.

Are there any cases when candidates are exempt from documenting their English skills?

All applicants should certify their English skills (minimum B2) with a recent English test certification unless they meet one of the following requirements:

  • Nationals from the USA, Canada (English speaking part), United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
  • Applicants having obtained a Bachelor's Degree in a university based in the USA, Canada (English speaking part), United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
  • Applicants with minimum one year of study at a university in the USA, Canada (English speaking part), United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand (the language of instruction must have been English).
  • Applicants having obtained a Bachelor's Degree with a major in the English language (e.g. BA in English or BA in Translation).

Do I have to speak Catalan, Spanish, French or Portuguese in order to participate in the WINTOUR programme?

The language of instruction of the WINTOUR master is English. Other language skills/certificates are not compulsory. However, selection committee evaluates positively that candidates have other languages skills (such as Spanish, French or Portuguese, the languages of the countries where the course takes place). WINTOUR students are given the opportunity to study local languages during the first three semesters).

What is included/not included in the fees?

The fees include: registration in the three host universities (with academic resources and services of the three universities), local language courses, full insurance coverage (according to European Commission requirements), issuance of Diplomas and other administrative costs.

The fees do not include: living expenses, transportation costs to and within Europe, and fees or taxes to be paid in order to met documentation requirements at application and enrolment stage (e.g. sworn translations, attested copies, legalizations, or public notary/consulate services).

What are the implications of being a self-funded student?

Self-funded students are those that pursue the master without an Erasmus+ scholarship. Hence, these students are responsible of paying the fees and all costs derived from their participation in the master (e.g. accommodation, transportation, subsistence, etc.).

Are there any scholarships available for WINTOUR students?

Students can follow the WINTOUR programme as self-funded students or they can apply for one of the several Erasmus+ scholarships (EMJMD action) available. These scholarships are designed to cover some of the expenses students incur throughout the entire duration of the WINTOUR course, which is 2 years. We open call for two categories of EMJMD scholarships: Programme Country and Partner Country scholarships. Depending on your situation (nationality and/or place of residence) you can apply for one of the two categories available.

Which category of scholarship applies to me?

Students are entitled to apply to one of the two categories of scholarships at a time. We kindly recommend you to read carefully the general conditions and specific requirements (including list of countries in each category) to be met in order to choose the suitable scholarship for you: /apply/en_scholarships/

Please bear in the mind the following:

  • Double nationality: students with double nationality (of a Programme or Partner country) must choose the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.
  • 12-month rule: Partner country scholarship applicants can not have been residents nor have carried out studies, training or work for more than a total of 12 months over the last 5 years in any Programme country (the 5-year residence period for this 12-months rule is calculated backwards as from the submission deadline of applying for the EMJMD student scholarship). If any of this circumstances happens, applicants should send their application in the Programme Country category.

Former EMJMD grantees or Erasmus Mundus Master/Doctoral Course grantees are allowed to apply for Erasmus+ scholarships offered by the WINTOUR programme?

The European Commission establishes that candidates that have already obtained an EMJMD scholarship or are former Erasmus Mundus Master/Doctoral Course scholarship are not eligible for an additional scholarship under the EMJMD action. Hence, if this is your case, you can not apply for Erasmus+ scholarships in the WINTOUR Programme. One thing you can do, however, is applying to the master as self-funded student (and/or trying to find other ways to finance your studies).

Which steps should I follow to apply for the WINTOUR programme?

The entire process is done online. You can find detailed information in the section HOW TO APPLY /apply/en_how-to-apply/

In which language should I submit the documentation required?

All documentation presented must be written or translated into English (sworn translation) unless they have been originally issued in Spanish, French or Portuguese.

How should I convert my ECTS Credits System?

To find out this information you can ask your university or you can contact the European Union department in your country via e-mail, for instance, and they will inform you about the conversion of your studies into the ECTS system.

What sort of information should my motivation letter include (Doc 5)?

The content of the motivation letter should include your professional or study project related with the field of the master (Wine Tourism). You can include information about your (past) professional work experience if it is somehow related to the field of the WINTOUR programme but not only. Selection committee would like to know about why you would like to enrol the master and which are motivations and expectations in terms of applying the knowledge acquired in your professional career once you finish the master. This letter is very important in the selection process, what you write in it should show the selection committee why they have to choose you in front of other prospective candidates, so we kindly recommend you to be accurate with the content you include.

Which documents are accepted as proof of residency (Doc 8)?

The European Commission establishes that documents accepted as a proof of residency are:

  • a residence certificate issued in accordance with the candidate's municipality normal registration rules; and
  • a certificate from the candidate's place of work, study or training issued by the employer or institution in question.

Please note that both certificates must be issued before the date of application.

These documents have to state the address of the place where you live at the moment. We do not have any template as this documents can vary depending on the country or place of work, study or training.

How can I prepare my declaration letter (Doc 9)?

A letter signed by you including the exact sentences that appear in our website would suffice.

Should I send recommendation letters?

The WINTOUR Consortium has established that there is no need to send recommendation letters. Candidates just have to include in their CV the contact (e-mail and phone number/skype user) of 2 referees for recommendation. If deemed necessary, the WINTOUR Academic Committee will contact referees by e-mail, asking them a few questions about the candidate. Referees won't have to spend much time in this task, we will make things as easier as possible to facilitate their collaboration.

És un màster oficial? Dona accés a un programa de doctorat?

Sí, és un màster oficial, verificat pel Consell d'Universitats Espanyoles i, per tant, et pot donar accés als programes de doctorat.

Quan acabis el màster, podràs sol·licitar el Títol i el Suplement Europeu al Títol que podràs postil·lar i convalidar on sigui necessari, i dona accés als estudis de doctorat.

What is the tuition fee for the WINTOUR programme?

€6,000 per academic year for students from the EU and third countries associated to Erasmus+ programme.
€8,000 per academic year for students from third countries not associated to Erasmus+ programme.