DOW/URV Chair of Sustainable Development - Environmental Politic Commission meeting
DOW/URV Chair on Sustainable Development was present at the URV Environmental Politic Commission meeting.
The meeting of the Environmental Politic Comission, chaired by Dr. Xavier Farriol, Vice Chancellor and Resources Organization Policy, took place at the University Rovira i Virgili, at Campus Sescelades, on November 28, 2012. Dr. Oscar Saladié, director of the DOW/URV Chair of Sustainable Development, attended as a guest.
The DOW/URV Chair of Sustainable Development has been ordered by the rector of the URV, Dr. Francesc Xavier Grau, to develop the “line 5” of the URV Environmental Plan, referring to curriculum greening. The strategic objective of the “line 5” is to incorporate the vision to sustainability in the educational curriculum, involving teaching management in the development of the environmental action plan.
During the deliberations at the meeting of the Environmental Politic Commission the mobility and accessibility to the different campuses of the URV were treated.