New materials for microsensor systems (design, modelization, manufacturing, characterization, and testing).
Includes the deposition of nanostructured films of metallic oxide over microstructured substrates of silicon oxide and the use of metallic load and catalytic filters for the surficial functionalization. Also the deposition through different techniques of active films based on functionalized carbon nanotubes and hybrid films of nanotube/metallic oxide.
Development of preconcentrator microsystems
Study of new absorbent/adsorbent materials based on carbon, carbon nanotubes, and polymers. Optimization of microstructured layers based on silicon through programmed thermal desorption. Covering of membranes with absorbent/adsorbent materials.
Development of conditioning methods and advanced signal processing to improve the performance of multi-sensor microsystems.
Design of the exit signal, conditioning of signal and communications circuitry for multi-sensor systems.