化学研究 - Chemistry

在罗维拉-威尔吉利大学 (URV) 化学系学习的十三个理由 - Reasons for studying Chemistry at the URV

1. 卓越的教学质量

URV是加泰罗尼亚化学研究所主要基地, 名列权威“德国卓越学术评定排行榜”欧洲第一名。化学研究所排名可登录网站www.excellencemapping.net, 点击化学专业排名查询。根据2015年“泰晤士高等教育”杂志显示, URV大学在全球近50年内成立的大学中跻身前80强。在化学领域, 在西班牙48所高校中, URV大学的教师学术论文发表数量位居前4名。在化学领域, DOW化学公司在欧洲, 非洲及中东地区的 8000所大学中选择URV大学为8所战略性大学之一。

2. 化学工业园

塔拉戈纳拥有最大的南欧化学工业园。化学院与园内多家国际化学企业签有合作协议, 如: 雷普索尔, 陶氏, 巴斯夫, 拜耳等公司。学生可进入该类企业实习。化学系的毕业生在专业领域评价很高, 不仅因为他们拥有的知识, 而且因为其积极性, 人际关系, 沟通及适应不断变化的环境的能力。

3. 学院涵盖本科、硕士研究生、博士研究生各学位课程

学生不仅可以在罗维拉-威尔吉利大学完成化学本科专业, 如希望继续就读于本校可直接申请硕士或博士研究生课程。 URV所有学位均为官方学位, 受世界范围内认可。

4. 国际交流项目

你可以参加在欧洲的交流项目(Erasmus), 也可以参加跟我们签有具体协议的世界上其他大学和公司的交流项目。URV与其他大学的专项协议为学生提供更多世界范围内的交流机会。 通过交流项目, 学生可前往交流院校学习1-2学期, URV承认对方院校所有课程。国外交流项目为学生提供难忘的学习经历, 除了学术上的进步, 还有机会学习一门新语言, 结实新朋友。

5. 全英文授课, 个性化课程设计

所有学院教学人员均有英语授课能力。 化学院拥有75位教师, 720名化学专业学生, 师生关系以个性化教育为基础。 每个学生都有个人导师, 辅助学生完成学业。 每个实验室都控制学生数量, 实现正真的小班化“一对一”授课。我们的宗旨是给予学生最专业的教育。

6. 中国学生社团

URV接受过多届中国留学生, 仅2014年120余名中国留学生前往URV学习。学校设有专门的教师, 工作人员为中国学生解决一切困难。

7. 有机会学习世界第三大语言——西班牙语

除英文授课的化学专业课程, 学生还可选择专为中国学生设计的西班牙语课程。 由塔拉戈纳西班牙语研究中心负责URV对外西班牙语课程。西班牙语帮助学生打开在拉丁美洲需求机遇的大门。

8. 习得实践创新理论

未来的成功与创新能力密不可分。 在这里, 您有机会学到最根本的创新理论与实践工具。 URV创新中心是唯一可以让您体验到创新技术的实习院所。 URV创新中心为创新协同工作提供实践工具, 培养学生新理论开发能力, 为企业研发新产品的能力, 为疑难问题找到最新解决方法的能力及制作创新提案的能力。

9.生活环境安全, 中等消费水平

加泰罗尼亚大区是欧洲最发达的区域之一。 该地区社会治安良好, 在此可安心完成学业。 另外, URV的消费水平远低于伦敦, 纽约等大型城市, 学费也更加低廉。

10. 45分钟即可到达巴塞罗那

乘坐高铁, 一小时内可从URV到达巴塞罗那, 距马德里也仅有三个多小时的车程。此外, 多条大巴线路方便到达西班牙其他主要城市。 高速公路设施完备, 出行方便。URV临近两个飞机场, 有多条国际航线。

11. 全新文化体验

URV地处塔拉戈纳市中心。 塔拉戈纳历史悠久, 是伊比利亚罗马古城, 多处古迹拥有2000多年历史。塔拉戈纳拥有13.4万人口。2000年11月被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产名城。在URV学习您可以体验丰富的地中海建筑, 艺术, 历史文化, 同时感受当地的自然风光, 传统习俗。

12. 驻中国代表

URV拥有驻中国代表, 会说中文, 为您提供报名指导。 驻中国代表多为我校毕业生, 留学经验丰富, 可解答任何有关来我校留学问题

13. 报名及入学接待一条龙服务

我校提供报名咨询及到校接待一条龙服务。服务内容包括: 准备入学资料, 帮助申请旅西签证; 学生公寓机场接机; 完成化学院注册, 指派个人辅导员; 指派办理西班牙境内手续陪同, 如办理居留卡, 医疗卡, 电话卡, 银行卡等; 帮助寻找住房(寻找学生公寓, 宿舍或出租房期间, 提供五天宾馆入住时间); 塔拉戈纳文化参观。



石媛媛 女士
电话: 18862182550
电子邮件: syy0909078@126.com


Francesc Xavier Rius 博士
电子邮件. fxavier.rius@urv.cat

Thirteen reasons for studying at the Faculty of Chemistry, URV

1. Excellence

The URV is the home of the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, which has ranked top 1 Institute in Europe for Chemical Research by the prestigious German Excellence Mapping institute. You may consult the results of this ranking at the website: www.excellencemapping.net, and select the category of Chemistry. The URV has been ranked among the top 80 universities in the world less than 50 years old according in 2015 to the Times Higher Education journal. In the field of Chemistry, URV has ranked top 4 out of 48 universities in Spain in the number of research publications by teacher. DOW Chemical has chosen URV as one of the 8 strategic universities in Europe, Africa, and Middle East, among 8000 universities, in the field of Chemistry.

2. Chemical Park

Tarragona hosts the largest Chemical Park of the south of Europe. The Faculty of Chemistry has a lot of interaction with international chemical companies (such as Repsol, Dow, BASF, Bayer, etc), where students spend some time performing the outdoors internship practices. The graduates from the Faculty of Chemistry are highly valued as professionals not only because of their knowledge but also because of their initiative, their ability to relate to others, their communication skills and their capacity to adapt to changing environments.

3. Bachelor, Master and PhD at the same school

You will be able to obtain not only your Bachelor degree in Chemistry at the University Rovira i Virgili, but also you can continue studying to obtain MSc and PhD degrees if you decide to carry on with your studies at our university. All degrees obtained at the URV are official and recognized all around the world.

4. Exchange programs

You will have access to exchange programs within Europe (called Erasmus) and also with other universities around the world, with which we have specific agreements. These programs will enable you to spend one or two semesters at different universities, and the courses taken will be recognised by the URV. Studying in other countries is an unforgettable experience: as well as making progress in your studies, you will know other countries, learn other languages and make new friends.

5. Study Chemistry in English, enjoying a personalized attention

The academic members of the Faculty have all been accredited to teach in English. The academics of the Faculty of Chemistry, composed of 75 professors, have a personalized relationship with the approximately 720 chemistry students. Each student has a personal academic mentor that guides him/her in the academic progress. The reduced number of students in each laboratory also enables an individualized practical education. Our compromise is your professional success.

6. Strong Chinese community

We have experience on hosting many Chinese students, and only in 2014 we incorporated more than 120 at URV. You will find many colleagues that may help you in case you may have special needs.

7. The possibility to study the 3rd most used language in the world

In addition to study Chemistry in English, you will be able to take Spanish courses specially designed for Chinese students. The Center for Hispanic Studies in Tarragona (Spain) coordinates the Spanish as Foreign Language academic programs of the URV. The Spanish language will open you the doors to the Latin-American world.

8. Acquisition and practice of innovation concepts

Your future success will critically depend on your ability to innovate. With us, you will have the opportunity to acquire and practice fundamental concepts and tools for innovation. The Innovation Hub at the URV is a unique place where you can get hands-on experience in innovative techniques. The Hub promotes the use of tools for creative and collaborative work, allowing participants to acquire skills to develop new ideas that can provide new opportunities for businesses, new solutions for complex problems and that can lead to the generation of innovative proposals.

9. Living in a safe country with moderate living costs

Catalonia is one of the most developed regions in Europe. It is a very safe place and you will be able to concentrate on your studies without having to worry about anything. Also, the cost of life at the URV is much lower than in other big cities like London or New York, where the courses are much more expensive. This allows us to offer you lower tuition fees.

10. It is just 30 minutes from Barcelona

From the URV, you can travel to Barcelona in less than one hour, and to Madrid in around three hours using the high- speed train. Also plenty of buses link our buses to the main cities in Spain. The network of motorways is excellent, and you also have two airports that connect the URV with the world.

11. A cultural experience

The URV is located at the heart of Tarragona, which is a historical city from the Roman Hispania, and some of its constructions are 2000 years old. The city has 13.4万habitants, and it has been declared "World Heritage City" by UNESCO in November 2000. At the URV, you will be immersed in the architecture, art, history, landscape, traditions and other cultural experiences of the Mediterranean countries.

12. Delegates in China

The URV has delegates in China that will advise you in Chinese, and they will guide you during the enrolment process. These delegates are normally Chinese students that already graduated in our university, and they will be able to answer all your questions.

13. Enrolment and welcome package

We offer many services to facilitate your enrolment and arrival to URV. The package includes: Help on the preparation of the documents before arrival; Support for issuing the visa in China before starting; Pick-up at the airport and transport to the residence; Enrolment process at the Faculty of Chemistry and personal academic tutorial; Personal accompaniment (to obtain the documents needed in Spain, such as NIE, health card, mobile phone, bank account,…); help to find accommodation (including 5 days in a hotel to find a student flat or apartment); Cultural visit in Tarragona.

For additional information, please don't hesitate to contact our delegates:

Service in Chinese or English

Ms. 石媛媛
Representative in China
Phone: 18862182550
Email: syy0909078@126.com

Service in Spanish or English

Dr. Francesc Xavier Rius
Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Email. fxavier.rius@urv.cat