Publicacions 2009
Bolaños, W.; Carvajal, J.J.; Pujol, M.C.; Mateos, X.; Lifante, G.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Epitaxial Growth of Lattice Matched KY1-x-yGdxLuy(WO4)2 Thin Films on KY(WO4)2 Substrates for Waveguiding Applications. Crystal growth & Design, 2009, 9, 3525-3531
Carvajal, J.J.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Production and charactgerization of nanostructured materials for optical applications at Rovira i Virgili University. Contributions to Science, 2009, 4 (2), 157-170
Carvajal, J.J.; Ciatto, G.; Peña, A.; Pujol, M. C.; Gavaldà, Jna.; Díaz, F. and Aguiló, M. Lattice location and short range ordering of doping ions in RbTiOPO4. Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94, 061908
Carvajal, J.J.; Raghothamachar, B.; Silvestre, O.; Chen, H.; Pujol, M. C.; Petrov, V.; Dudley, M.; Aguilo, M. and Díaz, F. Effect of Structural Stress on the Laser Quality of Highly Doped Yb:KY(WO4)2/KY(WO4)2 and Yb:KLu(WO4)2/KLu(WO4)2 Epitaxial Structures. Crystal Growth & Desing, 2009, 9 (2), 653-656
Carvajal, J.J.; Peña, A.; Kumar, R.; Pujol, M.C.; Mateos, X.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Vazqauez de Aldana, J.R.; Mendez, C.; Moreno, P.; Roso, L.; Trifonov, T.; Rodríguez, A.; Alcubilla, R.; Oral, Z.; Ferre-Borrull, J.; Pallares, J.; Marsal, L.F.; Di Finizio, S.; Macovez, R. and Martorell, J. New approaches for the fabrication of photonic structures of nonlinear optical materials. Journal of Luminescence, 2009, 129, 1441-1447
Cho, W.B.; Schmidt, A.; Yim, J.H.; Choi, S.Y.; Lee, S.; Rotermund, F.; Griebner, U.; Steinmeyer, G.; Petrov, V.; Mateos, X.; Pujol, M.C.; Carvajal, J.J.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Passive mode-locking of a Tm-doped bulk laser near 2 μm using a carbon nanotube saturable absorber. Optics Express, 2009, 13, 11007-11012
Galceran, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Carvajal, J.J.; Tkaczyk, S.; Kityk, I. V.; Díaz, F. and Aguiló, M. Synthesis and characterization of KTiOPO4 nanocrystals and their PMMA nanocomposites. Nanotechnology, 2009, 20, 035705
Galceran, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Méndez, C.; García, A.; Moreno, P.; Roso, L.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Synthesis of monoclinic KGd(WO4)2 nanocrystals by two preparation methods. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2009, 11, 717-724
Galceran, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Zaldo, C.; Díaz, F. and Aguiló, M. Synthesis, structural and optical properties in monoclinic Er:KYb(WO4)2 nanocrystals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 15497-15506
Galceran, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Méndez, C.; García, A.; Moreno, P.; Roso, L.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Synthesis of monoclinic KGd(WO4)2 nanocrystals by two preparation methods. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2009, 11, 717-724
Gavaldà, Jna.; Carvajal, J.J.; Mateos, X.; Aguiló, M.; and Díaz, F. Composition-dependent dielectric properties of RbTiOPO4 single crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95, 182902
Jambunathan, V.; Mateos, X.; Pujol, M.C.; Carvajal, J.J.; Masons, J.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Near-infrared photoluminiscence from Ho3+-doped monoclinic Klu(WO4)2. Journal of Luminescence, 2009, 129, 1882-1885
Khlissa, F.; Ferid, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Mateos, X.; Carvajal, J.J.; Díaz, F. and Aguiló, M. Crystal growth, characterization and spectroscopic study of europium doped NaY(PO3)4. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009, 311, 4360-4364
Raj Kumar, G.; Carvajal, J.J.; Pujol, M.C.; Mateos, X.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Vázquez de Aldana, J.R.; Méndez, C.; Moreno, P.; Roso, L.; Trifonov, T.; Rodríguez, A.; Alcubilla, R.; Král, Z.; Ferré-Borrull, J.; Pallarès, J.; Marsal, L.F.; Di Finizio, S.; Macovez, R. and Martorell, J. Fabrication and characterization of photonic structures in crystals of the KTiOPO4 family. Óptica Pura y Aplicada, 2009, 42, 147-152
Sole, R.; Ruiz, X.; Pujol, M.C.: Mateos, X.; Carvajal, J.J.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Physical properties of self-flux and WO3-containing solutions useful for growing type III KGd(PO3)4 single crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009, 311, 3656-3660
Thilmann, N.; Strömqvist, G.; Pujol, M.C.; Pasiskevicius, V.; Petrov, V. and Díaz, F. Nonlinear refractive indices in Yb3+-doped and undoped monoclinic double tungstates KRE(WO4)2 where RE = Gd, Y, Yb, Lu. Applied Physics B, 2009, 96,385-392
Vatnik, S.; Pujol, M.C.; Carvajal J.J.; Mateos, X.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F. and Petrov, V. Thermo-optic coefficients of monoclinic KLu(WO4)2. Applied physics B-Lasers & optics, 2009, 95, 653-656
Zhanikov, E.V.; Zaldo, C. and Díaz, F. Double tungstate Molybdate Crystals for Laser and Nonlinear Optical Applications. MRS Bulletin, 2009, 34, 271-276