Publicacions 2024
Li, Z-Q.; Lin, Z-L.; Zeng, H-J.; Nie, H-Y.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, P.; Wu, W.; Chen, Z.; Li, Z.; Loiko, P.; Normani, S.; Mateos, X.; Liang, H-C.; Petrov, V.; Chen, W. Diode-pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked ytterbium-doped compositional mixed calcium aluminate laser Optics Express, 2024, 32(23), 40507-40513
Zin Elabedine, G.; Subbotin, K.; Loiko, P.; Pan, Z.; Eremeev, K.; Zimina, Y.; Didenko, Y.; Pavlov, S.; Titov, A.; Dunina, E.; Fomicheva, L.; Kornienko, A.; Braud, A.; Solé, R.M.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Chen, W.; Volkov, P.; Petrov, V.; Mateos, X. Growth, spectroscopy and 2 μm laser operation of monoclinic Tm3+: ZnWO4 crystal Optical Materials, 2024, 157, 116039
Eun Bae, J.; Hyun, M.; Woo Kim, D,; Mateos, X.; García Ajates, J.; Romero, C.; Rodríguez Vázquez De Aldana, J.; Kim, J.; Rotermund, F. Characterization of noise spectra in low-jitter GHz mode-locked fs-laser-inscribed waveguide lasers Optics & Laser Technology, 2024, 179, 111412
Butt, M.A.; Mateos, X.; Piramidowicz, R. Photonics sensors: A perspective on current advancements, emerging challenges, and potential solutions (Invited) Physics Letters A, 2024, 516, 129633
Butt, M.A.; Mateos, X. Strategic Insights into Integrated Photonics: Core Concepts, Practical Deployments, and Future Outlook Applied Sciences, 2024, 14(14), 6365
Mokni, I.; Slimi, S.; Badri, A.; Solé, R.M.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Ayed, B.; Mateos, X. Sr6Y(PO4)5: Nd3+ a novel whitlockite-type phosphor for optical temperature sensing applications: Synthesis and luminescence properties Ceramics International, 2024,
Coral, D.; Attard, M.; Pedrol, P.; Solé, R.M.; Díaz, F.; Aguiló, M.; Mateos, X. Computational and experimental microfluidics: Total analysis system for mixing, sorting, and concentrating particles and cells APL Bioengineering, 2024, 8(2), 026101
Sevilla-Sierra, N.; R. Vázquez de Aldana, J.; Romero, C.; Mateos, X.; Lopez-Quintas; I. Unveiling second harmonic generation from femtosecond-laser microstructured Nd:YAG crystal Optics Express, 2024, 32(10), 16845-16854
Douzi, A.; Slimi, S.; Loiko, P.; Llamas, V.; Serres, J.M.; Solé, R.M.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Ben Salem, E.; Mateos, X. Temperature sensing by means of a near-infrared luminescent Ca8NaBi(PO4)6F2:Nd3+ fluorapatite phosphor Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2024, 35(13), 890
Eremeev, K.; Dymshits, O.; Alekseeva, I.; Khubetsov, A.; Zapalova, S.; Tsenter, M.; Basyrova, L.; Serres, J.M.; Mateos, X.; Loiko, P.; Popkov, V.; Zhilin, A. Effect of redox conditions of glass melting on the structure and the properties of titanium-containing gahnite glass-ceramics Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2024, 44(5), 3362-3380
Lin, Z.-L.; Zeng, H.-J.; Pan, Z.; Loiko, P.; Petrov, V.; Mateos, X.; Zhang, G.; Chen, W. Kerr-lens mode-locking of an Yb: SALLO laser generating 25 fs pulses at 1090 nm Applied Physics Letters, 2024, 124(17), 171102
Zeng, H.-J.; Xue, W.-Z.; Murray, R.T.; Cui, C.; Wang, L.; Pan, Z.; Loiko, P.; Mateos, X.; Yuan, F.; Zhang, G.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Chen, W. In-band pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked Tm,Ho-codoped calcium aluminate laser Optics Express, 2024, 32(9), 16083-16089
Eremeev, K.; Loiko, P.; Zhao, C.; Lin, Z.-L.; Mateos, X.; Zin Elabedine, G.; Camy, P.; Braud, A.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Zhang, G.; Li, S.; Hang, Y.; Chen, W. Growth, spectroscopy and laser operation of Tm,Ho: GdScO3 perovskite crystal Optics Express, 2024, 32(8), 13527-13542
Li, Z.-Q.; Lin, Z.-L.; Loiko, P.; Zeng, H.-J.; Zhang, G.; Nie, H.-Y.; Normani, S.; Benayad, A.; Camy, P.; Mateos, X.; Petrov, V.; Chen, W. Kerr-Lens Mode-Locked Yb:BaF2 Laser Photonics, 2024, 11(4), 322
Zhang, Z.; Douzi, A.; Slimi, S.; Madirov, E.; Arouri, A.; Llamas, V.; Serres, J.M.; Solé, R.M.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Ben Salem, E.; Turshatov, A.; Richards, B.; Mateos, X. Optical properties and Judd-Ofelt analysis of a novel Red-Emitting monoclinic Li3Ba2Gd3(WO4)8: Eu3+ phosphor Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2024, 162, 112230
Guo, J.; Li, S.; Zhao, C.; Hang, Y.; Zeng, H.-J.; Lin, Z-L.; Zhang, G.; Zin Elabedine, G.; Mateos, X.; Loiko, P.; Petrov, V.; Chen, W.; Liang, X. SESAM mode-locked Yb:GdScO3 laser Optics Express, 2024, 32(5), 7865-7872
Zhang, P.; Wu, W.; Lin, Z.-L.; Li, Z.-Q.; Loiko, P.; Normani, S.; Chen, Z.; Li, Z.; Zin Elabedine, G.; Mateos, X.; Zeng, H.-J.; Zhang, G.; Nie, H.-Y.; Braud, A.; Camy, P.; Petrov, V.; Chen, W. Growth, spectroscopy and SESAM mode-locking of a “mixed” Yb:Ca(Gd,Y)AlO4 disordered crystal Optics Express, 2024, 32(3), 3221-3233
Li, Z.; Lin, Z.; Zeng, H.; Nie, H.; Zhang, G.; Yu, F.; Zhao, X.; Liang, H.; Petrov, V.; Loiko, P.; Mateos, X.; Wu, G.; Chen, W. Continuous-wave and SESAM mode-locked operation of a Yb:YSr3(PO4)3 laser Optics Express, 2024, 32(3), 3974-3979
Nexha, A.; Díaz, F.; Aguiló, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Carvajal, J.J. Engineering yttrium oxide antioxidant nanoagents Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 980, 173565