URV honorary degrees
At the time of writing, the URV has invested 52 people with honorary degrees in recognition of their careers and their professional merits. This distinction publicly recognizes the importance of these people’s activities, whilst at the same time the URV regards it as an honour that these people should accept these awards.
The nominations for the awards normally come from the different departments of the university, who seek to highlight the merits of a scientist or humanist who has excelled in his or her field of work and research.
Antoni Tàpies i Puig
Antoni M. Badia i Margarit
Josep M. Bricall i Masip
Lluís Delclòs i Soler
Joan Perucho i Gutiérrez
Jaume Gil i Aluja
Ángel Carlos Pellicer i Garrido
Noam Chomsky
Joan Guinjoan i Gispert
Vinton G. Cerf
Josep Benet i Morell
Miquel Batllori i Munné
Lluís Barraquer i Bordas
Xavier Amorós i Solà
Josep Antoni Baixeras i Sastre
Josep Subirats i Piñana
Amartya Kumar Sen
Amin Maalouf
Ramón Martín Mateo
Rosa Maria Calaf Solé
Géza Alföldy
Eduardo Luis Menéndez Spina
Margaret J. Geller
Piet van Leeuwen
Joaquim M. Puyal i Ortiga
Josep Fontana i Lázaro
Jean Watson
Josep M. Recasens i Comes
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Vadim Ivanovich Utkin
Georges Boulon
Philip Douglas Jones
Jean-Paul Malrieu
Federico Mayor Zaragoza
Mohamed Jamal Deen
Luis A. Oro Giral
Paul Preston
Hugh Scott Fogler
Miguel A. Torres Riera
Ramon Gomis i de Barbarà
Claudi Esteva i Fabregat
Joan Perucho
Mary Josephine Nash Baldwin
Xavier Prats Monné
Bettina Inés Kadner Schilling
Pilar Benejam i Arguimbau
Marina Subirats i Martori
Pilar Galán
María Vallet Regí
Esperanza Martínez Yáñez
Lourdes Beneria i Farré
Marcela Lagarde y de los Ríos
Olga Xirinacs i Díaz
Mark P. Jensen