Géza Alföldy

- Date of investiture:
- 29 April 2009
- Sponsor:
- Amancio Isla
- Area of knowledge:
- History
(Budapest, 1935 - Atenes 2011) He has spent most of his academic and scientific life in East Germany, where he emigrated in 1965. He has been visiting lecturer at numerous universities and he was a member of scientific academies and societies. He has been awarded an honorary degree by seven universities and has received numerous distinctions the world over including Catalonia. Of particular note are the Max Planck Research Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Max Planck Society Award (1992) exaequo with Silvio Panciera of the University of Rome. Among the awards he has received in Catalonia are the International Catalonia Prize 1997 of the Institute of Catalan Studies, the Creu de Sant Jordi 2001 of the Catalan Government, and the Silver Medal of the City of Tarragona.
He was a lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
In his speech during the award ceremony, he mentioned the archaeological riches of ancient Tàrraco, which is the city with most inscriptions in the western Roman Empire and, in general, throughout the empire. His work Inscripcions romanes de Tarragona is a reference in the field and contains 1,500 texts.
He was proposed for the award of an honorary degree by the Department of History and the History of Art.
For further information on Géza Alföldy
- Sponsor's speech
- Speech by Géza Alföldy
- Rector's speech, Francesc Xavier Grau