Joaquim M. Puyal i Ortiga

- Date of investiture:
- 2 March 2010
- Sponsor:
- Jordi Farré
- Area of knowledge:
- Communication
Born in Barcelona in 1949, Joaquim Maria Puyal graduated in Romance Studies (UB) and Information Sciences (UAB). His contribution to the field of Communication has been the creation of a highly distinctive language for the radio and sport, and a variety of innovative television formats.
On 5 September 1976 he was the first person to commentate an F.C. Barcelona football match in Catalan. His broadcasts on Catalunya Ràdio are thoroughly professional discourses that combine rhythm and creativity with information, communication and entertainment.
On Televisió de Catalunya he has been the driving force behind innovative projects for prestigious programmes that topped the ratings (for example, Vostè jutja, La vida en un xip, Un tomb per la vida i Tres pics i repicó).
Throughout his long career he has inspired a school of thought that aims to breathe life into the audiovisual industry and investigate the phenomenon of communication in all its aspects.
He has been awarded various prizes: the Premi Ondas (1978, 1979, 1986 and 2004), the Creu de Sant Jordi (1993) and the National Culture Award (1997), among others.