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The URV in figures

Here we provide you with the institutional and positioning indicators that give a quick and exhaustive vision of the URV’s evolution and current situation. The information is divided into four separate sections: courses, students, research and innovation, and University resources. These sections have been grouped in two large blocks: one contains the information on courses and students, separating the undergraduate from the postgraduate studies, while the other describes research, transfer and scientific production, and the resources that the URV devotes to these activities.

Places offered 3.252
Degrees 58
First option demands 5.123
Official master programmes 58
Doctoral programmes 26
Figures for the academic course 2023-24    •    Source: Rector’s Bureau
Graduate courses
New students 3.413
Students per knowledge area (n. & %)
• Art and Humanities 1.070 9%
Sciences 928 7%
• Health Sciences 2.765 22%
Social and Legal Sciencies 5.325 42%
• Engineering and Architecture 2.547 20%
Total students enrolled 12.635 100%
URV students in mobility programmes* 573
Students in study period at the URV* 569
Success rate (n. of credits passed / n. of credits registered) 83,0%
Graduates 2.033
Postgraduate courses
Postgraduate students 3.484
Foreign postgraduate students (%) 35%
Official master students 2.099
Masters graduates 1.004
Students registred in PhD programmes 1.385
Thesis defended 211
Students in continuous training 3.752
Figures for the academic course 2023-24   *Academic course 2022-23   •  Source: Rector’s Bureau
Research & Transfer of knowledge
Competitive financial support obtained (million euros) 32,1
Non competitive financial support obtained (million euros) 15,7
Research institutes and centres  
Scientific production and productivity
Web of Science /SCOPUS publications 1.914
Figures for the year 2023    •    Source: Rector’s Bureau
Human Resources
Academic Staff (FTE) 1.284
Administration staff and services 766
Economic resources
Annual budget (million euros)* 137,6
Materials resources
Total build up area (m2) 163.333
Figures for the year 2023      *Figures for the year 2024    •    Source: Rector’s Bureau