Universities are essential agents for creating the future insofar as we shape the generations that will succeed us and create the necessary conditions, through research and knowledge, for society to evolve economically and socially both in general and in our particular region. It is up to us to take up the challenge and accept responsibility in a context of permanent change.
The need to adapt quickly to changing circumstances means that it is now more essential than ever before to have a clear road map, which will guide us through the strategic areas of the URV. In this context, we present the first Strategic Plan of the Learning and Research Resource Centre (CRAI), while the process of drawing up the teaching and research plans goes on. These are scheduled to be approved in the Senate session in May 2024.
Everybody had a say in the preparation of these new plans, which are now beginning to define the URV of 2030 by providing guidance on what needs to be done to achieve the milestones and objectives we have set ourselves.
Josep Pallarès Marzal
Tarragona, November 2023
Strategic Plan of the Learning and Research Resource Centre (CRAI)
Strategic Teaching Plan
Strategic Research Plan
Catalan. Translation in preparation.
Here you can find all the operational plans (in Catalan), as well as the strategic plans, that guide the Rovira i Virgili's progress.
The Universitat Rovira i Virgili is firmly committed to quality and continuous improvement as part of its identity and as a strategy in all areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, social engagement and resource management.