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Internal quality assurance system

The Rector's team strongly supports the implementation and development of Internal Quality Assurance Systems in the universities faculties and schools. These systems help to guarantee quality and continuously improve the degrees offered, facilitate the process of accreditation and make the University more competitive with other Universities in its surroundings.

The Internal Quality Assurance System of a teaching centre (hereafter IQAS) is based on a cycle of continuous planning, development, evaluation and improvement. IQAS is aligned with the institution's quality policy and objectives, and is consistent with regulations and external requirements. In addition, it takes stakeholders into account by collecting and analysing their opinion, satisfaction and participation.

For additional information, please read the following IQAS framework document (available in catalan).

Through the implementation of IQAS, the URV seeks:

  • To guarantee the quality of education, complying with the quality standards set by the University and by the competent external quality agents: ANECA, AQU Catalunya, ENQA, etc.
  • To respond to the needs and expectations of all the agents involved in the training process.
  • To provide the transparency required for full incorporation into the European Higher Education Area.
  • To incorporate strategies for continuous improvement.
  • To facilitate the process of verifying and accrediting the teaching implemented at the URV centres.

Implementing IQAS at the URV's faculties and schools establishes an approach based on processes that regulate the life cycle of degrees, including their creation, their monitoring and accreditation, and the human, material and financial resources necessary for the correct functioning, evaluation and continuous training of the teaching staff. It also includes the management of complaints, suggestions and praise, the satisfaction among interest groups and accountability.

Three types of processes can be distinguished:

  • Strategic processes. These analyse the needs and conditions of all interest groups. They establish policies, norms and guidelines for the functioning of the other processes.
  • Key or fundamental processes: Operational processes that have a direct impact on the client. They are the key teaching processes and are linked to the flow of services and information.
  • Support processes: They provide the organisation of all the material resources and/or materials needed to generate added value for clients.

Besides this classic classification of processes, the IQAS process map of faculties and schools is made up of:

  • A set of processes that are owned by the faculties and school, and that describe the activities that are carried out.
  • A set of transversal processes that are not owned by the center, which have a global scope for the entire university. The center is a user of these processes, and the owner is another URV unit or service that is in charge of defining, reviewing, improving, and making them available to the center and other users.
Internal Quality Assurance System