
Josep Pallarès Marzal
The Rector is the highest academic authority of the University and the person who represents it. The Rector is responsible for all competences that are not expressly assigned to other bodies.
Curriculum Vitae
I was born in El Perelló in 1967. I have been General Director for Universities and General Director for University Planning and Research for the autonomous government of Catalonia (2016-19). At the URV I have been Vice-Rector for Academic Policy and Teaching and Research Staff (2014-16), Vice-Rector for Teaching and Research Staff (2008-14), Vice-Rector for Transfer and Innovation (2006-08), and Head of the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering (2000-06).
I began my academic career as a physics student at the University of Barcelona. In 1997 I defended my doctoral thesis in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) before conducting a one-year postdoctoral stay at Debye Institute of Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
In October 1991 I joined the URV, where I have been a temporary university school senior lecturer, a university school senior lecturer, and a senior lecturer. Since 2009 I have been a full professor of Electronic Technology. I have taught mainly compulsory subjects of the Bachelor's Degree and optional subjects of the Master's Degree in the School of Engineering. I have also directed or co-directed 10 doctoral theses, all of which have included the International Doctorate mention. I have been named a distinguished professor of the URV.
I am a member of the Nanoelectronics and Photonic Systems research group, the author of over a hundred publications in indexed international journals (h = 40), and the co-author of two patents. I have been the principal researcher on projects for the European Union, Consolider and the Spanish National Plan. My experience lies in semiconductor and photonic devices, while my current line of research involves the manufacture, characterization and modelling of solar cells with organic and polymeric materials. I am a senior member of the Electron Device Society (EDS) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).