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Vice-Rector for Academic Policy and Quality

Iolanda Tortajada 

The Vice-Rectorate for Academic Policy and Quality ensures that the URV's academic programmes are run effectively and with total quality. This involves a series of processes that comprise a host of diverse yet complementary factors such as enrolment, academic regulations, quality indicators for the teaching-learning processes, modifications and improvements in regulations and qualifications, the recognition of apprenticeships, the planning of teaching, the acquisition of accreditations and certifications from external evaluation agencies, and relations with affiliated bodies. In short, the mission of the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Policy and Quality is to ensure that all academic programmes provided by the URV are deployed with the utmost guarantees.

Currículum Vitae

Born in Barcelona in 1969, I studied at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the University of Barcelona (UB). Since 1993 I have taught in the field of communication at the Universitat Ramon Llull (1993-2000), the UB (1998-2002), the Universitat de Lleida (2003-07) and the URV (since 2007). I have also assumed several management responsibilities, including the coordination of internships, master's degrees and doctoral degrees, been the leader of projects for implementing several academic programmes, and directed the Department of Communication Studies. From May 2020 to June 2022 I was Dean of the Faculty of Arts.

I am a member of the Asterisc consolidated research group, where I conduct research on gender and communication. The last project I coordinated explored the production of content by children and adolescents on social media, the creativity with which they express their sexual identity, and the tools they use to prevent and combat online hate speech.

My research production has been accredited favourably by official evaluation agencies. I have published in numerous leading high-impact journals in my field and led sections of European and Spanish research associations in Communication. I am currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Communication Research and Vice-President of the Bureau for Diversity in the Audiovisual Field initiated by the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia.