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Office of Equality and Social Engagement

The Office of Equality and Social Engagement (OICS) of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili promotes equality, respect for diversity, international cooperation, inclusion, well-being, environmental protection, sustainability and cultural dissemination.

To foster well-being and inclusion, the OICS has an equality unit, a psychological care service (SAP) and a diversity service (SAD). The OICS also manages programmes for volunteering, solidarity and service learning.

The OICS also promotes relations with the local area and culture through its Cultural Societies, which help channel the interests of the university community, and the Extended Campus, which contributes to the progress of society by making university knowledge accessible and promoting lifelong education.

Head of office

Administrative management

This support team undertakes the economic and administrative management of the activities and projects of the technical staff, ensuring the efficient and effective execution of all processes. This task involves coordinating resources, supervising budgets and ensuring that the deadlines established for each project are met, thus facilitating smooth running and helping the OICS to achieve its institutional objectives.

Culture and community relations

The mission of this area is to promote the development of a knowledge-based society by making the URV's potential available to the population of the Tarragona area in the form of cultural and knowledge transfer activities throughout the region that it serves.

Extended campuses
Courses for older adults
Cultural societies 
URV citizenship programme
URV Chairs
Friends of the URV

Cooperation, service learning and volunteering

This area promotes social responsibility and solidarity among the university community. This includes offering support to any member of the university community in a vulnerable situation (including refugees), promoting volunteer programmes and providing training and resources.

URV Solidària
Service learning

Through its service learning area, the OICS works to configure the offer of service learning projects, to detect needs with social organisations and administrations, to provide advice and specific training for university teaching staff, to monitor the quality of the service learning programme, and to participate in regional, national and international networks.

Sustainability and the environment

This area is responsible for designing the university's environmental sustainability strategies and for promoting actions to implement these strategies once they have been approved. It also promotes activities to involve the university community and various local stakeholders in the preservation and regeneration of the environment.

Equality, diversity and welfare unit

Equality Unit

The Equality Unit implements the URV's Gender Equality Plan by undertaking actions to diagnose, make visible and eliminate discrimination. It also implements the Protocol against sexual and gender-based harassment.


The Well-Being Area works to promote the physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of the university community by promoting education in healthy social, emotional, sexual and dietary habits. It is present in health networks in the local area and in the university. The Well-Being Area includes the Psychological Care Service.

Diversity Unit

The Diversity Unit works to promote inclusive education by providing reasonable adaptations and personalised support to ensure a quality education in which students are able to achieve the competences of their chosen degree.