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Service Learning Experiences in the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management

Bachelor's thesis: Development of a communication strategy

  • Coordination: Dolors Setó (dolors.seto(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Banc dels Aliments (Food Bank)
  • Summary: The objective of this bachelor's thesis, carried out during the 2013-2014 academic year within the framework of the URV Service Learning (SL) experience, was to design a communication strategy for the Food Bank to increase its visibility in society and attract new volunteer profiles from civil society as well as new collaborating companies.
    The design of the communication strategy aimed to combine a variety of features that would make it possible to make more personalised contact with the different stakeholders of the social organisation, thus combining traditional media with new media, such as social networks, to reach new audiences. Therefore, promoting the use of social networks was a key feature. Specifically, the design of the communication strategy for the Food Bank had the following objectives:

    - To recruit more volunteers for the entity.
    - To find new collaborating companies.
    - To have a better public image.
    - To be open and make themselves known to society.
    - To promote their presence on social networks.

You can listen to the experience on Tarragona Radio.

Bachelor's thesis: Study of the relationship model with collaborating companies

  • Coordination: Noemí Rabassa Figueras (noemi.rabassa(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Banc de Sang i Teixits (Blood and Tissue Bank).
  • Summary: For citizens to see, accept and participate in social initiatives such as those carried out by the Blood and Tissue Bank, it is essential to establish relationship models with different companies and organisations to achieve joint objectives. Companies are aware of the importance and need to develop strategies and policies of social responsibility. In this case the main objective was to analyse and propose effective models of collaboration between organisations. This experience, carried out by a student of the Degree in Business Administration and Management during the 2014-2015 academic year, is suitable for developing managerial and strategic skills that value not only the economic profit generated by an activity, but also the benefit and value it has for society.

Bachelor's thesis: Cost of mobile unit campaigns

  • Coordination: Maria Araceli Rodríguez (araceli.rodriguez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Banc de Sang i Teixits (Blood and Tissue Bank).
  • Summary: The Blood and Tissue Bank ensures that blood is comprehensively managed from the time it is donated to the time of transfusion and at all the collection points at the main hospitals of Catalonia. Management is decentralised and depends on a budget allocated to each of the Catalan provinces. Every year managers in the province of Tarragona need to plan their campaigns with mobile extraction units in the region. However, they have difficulties in optimising the allocation of the annual budget because they do not have the necessary information about the cost of each campaign, which depends on where it takes place.

Given this situation, the objectives for the service learning experience were:

- To determine the specific cost of each mobile unit campaign.

- To design indicators to compare the efficiency of the campaigns.

- To give managers of mobile extraction units a dynamic computer tool that allows them to update and manage financial information about the service. This would improve and support future management of the budget and the organisation of blood donation campaigns.This was an interdisciplinary project carried out with the bachelor's degree in business administration and management during the 2014-2015 academic year.

Bachelor's thesis: Proposals and tools for improving communication and organisation between Parish Charities

  • Coordination: Antoni Vidal Suñé (antoni.vidal(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Càritas Interparroquial de Reus (CIR) (Càritas Diocesana de Tarragona).
  • Summary: Arising from the contact made in the URV's 1st Social Projects Marketplace, and given the initial proposal made by Càritas Interparroquial de Reus (CIR) (Inter-parish Charities of Reus), the SL experience of the 2014-2015 academic year consisted of preparing a bachelor's thesis to analyse how the charity is organised and propose recommendations and improvements to increase its effectiveness and efficiency in providing social services. This included improving the coordination between the eight parish delegations in the city, making the services more suited to the real needs of the service users, and improving the organisational design and behaviour, the strategic approach, and the management and motivation of volunteers, etc.

Bachelor's thesis: Study of Social Entrepreneurship

  • Coordination: Dolors Setó Pamies (dolors.seto(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: SECOT Tarragona (non-profit organisation).
  • Summary: This project arose out of the URV's 1st Social Projects Marketplace and was carried out in the 2014-2015 academic year. This bachelor's thesis made a study of the social entrepreneurship that would allow SECOT (a senior voluntary business advisory organisation) to expand its knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and extend its services to a new profile of entrepreneurs who aim to solve a social problem by engaging in a technically and economically viable business project. The project responded to the following questions: What is a social entrepreneur? What are their motivations? What profile do they have? What makes them different from a conventional entrepreneur? In which countries is social entrepreneurship more developed? The main objective of this work was to prepare a document that serves as a basis for SECOT to explore the possibility of incorporating this new type of entrepreneurship (i.e., social entrepreneurship) in their business advisory activities.

Bachelor's thesis: Communication Strategy

  • Coordination: Eleni Papaoikonomou (eleni.papaoikonomou(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació d'Acció Cultural Despertaferro (Casal Despertaferro Cultural Action Association), Cooperativa Som Energia (Som Energia Cooperative).
  • Summary: This SL experience arose out of the URV's 1st Social Projects Marketplace and was carried out during the 2014-2015 academic year. It focuses on the Som Energia Cooperative. In particular, it analysed the energy sector, including the cooperative's current competition, strategies for both renewable and non-renewable energies, and the trends of the macro-environment. On the basis of this analysis, the student presented ideas, suggestions, and modifications for the positioning of the Som Energia Cooperative and proposed actions for constructing a model for consuming and producing clean energy.

Bachelor's thesis: Analysis of the Casal network

  • Coordination: Eleni Papaoikonomou (eleni.papaoikonomou(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organization: Associació d'Acció Cultural Despertaferro (Despertaferro Cultural Action Association).
  • Summary: This project arose out of the URV's 1st Social Projects Marketplace and was carried out in the 2014-2015 academic year. It focused on the Casal Despertaferro in Reus, which engages in a variety of social and cultural activities. The main objective of the thesis was to explore the organisation and external and internal communication of the social entity to improve visibility and participation. It also studied how to make the public image of the Casal more appropriate and up-to-date.

Bachelor's thesis: Communication Plan of an Environmental Organisation

  • Coordination: Eleni Papaoikonomou (eleni.papaoikonomou(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació Medioambiental la Sínia (La Sínia Environmental Association)
  • Summary:  This project arose out of the URV's 2nd Social Projects Marketplace and was carried out in the 2015-2016 academic year. It focused on La Sínia Environmental Association. A marketing plan was drafted for the association to increase its visibility and improve its image. First, a diagnosis was made of the current situation in terms of volunteering, initiatives and organised events. On the basis of this analysis, the student provided ideas, suggestions, and modifications to achieve the project's objectives.

Bachelor's thesis: Designing of a social communication strategy

  • Coordination: Eleni Papaoikonomou (eleni.papaoikonomou(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: GEPEC-Ecologistes de Catalunya (GEPEC-Environmentalists of Catalonia).
  • Summary: This project has arisen from the 2nd edition of the initiative entitled the Social Projects Marketplace which was held in Tarragona and was developed the academic year 2015-16. The project centres on the GEPEC association in Reus, which carries out diverse environmental activities and projects. The main target of the project was to explore how the association is organized, how it communicates internally and how it promotes itself externally. The aim was to help the association to raise its public profile and to increase the numbers of associates and volunteers, etc. In this regard, particular attention devoted to one of GEPEC's most important initiatives, the naturalist school, which aims to raise knowledge and awareness of the environment among young children.

Bachelor's thesis: Management of Change and Communication

  • Coordination: Mireia Valverde (mireia.valverde(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Fundació Casal l'Amic (Casal l'Amic Foundation).
  • Summary: This project arose out of the URV's 2nd Social Projects Marketplace held in Tarragona and was carried out during the 2015-2016 academic year.
    The service learning experience consisted of analysing and monitoring an internal strategic change initiated by the Fundació Casal l'Amic, a non-profit organisation dedicated to social and educational activities for children and young people. This change consisted of entering into an alliance with another social foundation to obtain financing and other mechanisms that would allow it to grow and carry out new projects. The change was a complex one because it required the total commitment of all those involved. The project studied the procedure used to implement change, and its effects on the different variables and interest groups that are part of the Foundation's activities. On the basis of this analysis, a series of action proposals were put forward to manage the change process. The ultimate objective was to determine the critical points for maintaining and respecting the interests and commitments of those involved in the project and the values of the Foundation.

Bachelor's thesis: Preparing a plan for welcoming collaborators

  • Coordination: Mireia Valverde (mireia.valverde(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Fundació Casal l'Amic (Casal l'Amic Foundation).
  • Summary: This project arose out of the URV's 2nd Social Projects Marketplace held in Tarragona and was carried out during the 2015-2016 academic year. La Fundació Casal l'Amic did not have a protocol for welcoming new volunteers. Therefore, the process of entering the association needed to be improved as did the process for monitoring the work carried out by volunteers. The project consisted of analysing the current processes and making proposals to improve not only how volunteers are received and organised, but also their loyalty.

Bachelor's thesis: Study on the legal framework and taxation of associations

  • Coordination: Lluís Carreras Roig (lluis.carreras(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: La iMAGInada, Associació cultural (The iMAGInada, cultural association).
  • Summary: This project is from the URV's 2nd Social Projects Marketplace and was carried out during the academic year 2015-2016. The organisation requested information on the tax regulations applicable to associations and which taxes (corporate income tax, personal income tax, local taxes, among others) can be levied on the association and its members.

Bachelor's thesis: Implementing teaming in the field of social entities

  • Coordination: Rosalía Cascón Pereira (rosalia.cascon(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: APPC La Muntanyeta (Provincial Association of Cerebral Palsy).
  • Summary: This service learning experience was carried out by two students in the 2016-2017 academic year. The aim was to make a diagnosis to explore what facilitates and hinders people from making periodic donations in a crowdfunding programme for the APPC La Muntanyeta. On the basis of the data analysis, the students made recommendations to improve the success of the Teaming programme (a particular type of micro-patronage) initiated by La Muntanyeta.

Bachelor's thesis: Development of a management model for a local resource centre

  • Coordination: Rosalía Cascón Pereira (rosalia.cascon(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Federació d'Associacions Veïnals de Tarragona (FAVT) (Federation of Residents' Associations of Tarragona).
  • Summary: This service learning experience was carried out by two students in the 2016-2017 academic year. The Federació d'Associacions Veïnals de Tarragona (FAVT) (Federation of Residents' Associations of Tarragona) made materials available to non-profit organisations in the province of Tarragona so that their services did not have to be outsourced, and the FAVT could continue to be a non-profit service to support other organisations in the territory. The students prepared a plan for the viability and sustainability of FAVT's service of providing materials. In preparing this plan, the students made a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a neighbourhood resource cooperative.
  • You can listen to the experience in Ràdio Veïnal de Tarragona

Bachelor's thesis: Communication Plan of a Cultural Association

  • Coordination: Eleni Papaoikonomou (eleni.papaoikonomou(ELIMINAR)@urv.
  • Organisation: La iMAGInada, Associació cultural (La iMAGInada, Cultural Association).
  • Summary: This project was carried out in the 2016-2017 academic year and stemmed from the URV's 2nd Social Projects Marketplace. The association expressed the need for an internal and external communication plan that would be a tool for effectively enhancing the project. The students studied the characteristics of the association, focusing on its structure, mission, values and organisation. First, a diagnosis was made of its day-to-day operation, visibility, and internal and external communication. Then, ideas were proposed to improve the internal and external communication.

Bachelor's thesis: Marketing plan for organic productse

  • Coordination: Claudia Caubet Espuny (claudia.caubet(ELIMINAR)@economistes.com)
  • Organisation: Associació Obre't' Ebre (Obre't' Ebre Association).
  • Summary: Carried out during the 2017-2018 academic year, this project consisted of preparing a marketing plan to determine the feasibility of marketing the products from the organic gardens available to the association. Support was given to the association in the design of marketing actions to publicise the project and its products, which gave the project economic viability in the medium and long term. This plan also aimed to create an economic model that promotes the job placement of groups that have difficulty in finding work.

Bachelor's thesis: Drafting of a strategy for working on corporate social responsibility

  • Coordination: Matilde Villarroya (matilde.villarroya(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
  • Organisation: Esplai Blanquerna (Blanquerna Esplai Group).
  • Summary: The project analysed the different types of work collaborations between private and public companies, and social entities that work with vulnerable groups. The analysis was carried out in the 2017-2018 academic year, with particular focus on how willing local companies were to take part. An action plan was designed to promote, advance, manage and monitor projects for improving equal opportunities for local people.

Bachelor's thesis: Study on the economic costs of family caregivers of people with Alzheimer's in the city of Tortosa

  • Coordination: Pau Galiana Llasat (pau.galiana(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
  • Organisation: Associació de Familiars de Malalts d'Alzheimer-Terres de l'Ebre (Association of Relatives of Alzheimer's Patients - Terres de l'Ebre).
  • Summary: This project was carried out in the 2017-2018 academic year. A socio-economic assessment of the families caring for people with Alzheimer's was made based on the information and needs of the Associació de Familiars de Malalts d'Alzheimer-Terres de l'Ebre. The needs of those affected and their families were also determined. A document was drafted about the tasks carried out by the Associació de Familiars de Malalts d'Alzheimer-Terres de l'Ebre. It made proposals for improvement, clearly stated the Association's needs and justified the economic demands.

Bachelor's thesis: Market study for job placement in the Terres de l'Ebre

  • Coordination: Pau Galiana Llasat (pau.galiana(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
  • Organisation: Federació d'Entitats Socials de Terres de l'Ebre (FESTE) (Federation of Social Entities from the Terres de l'Ebre).
  • Summary: This project was carried out in the 2017-2018 academic year. It consisted of a feasibility plan for creating a company that provides jobs for people with autism. This project was initiated by the Federació d'Entitats Socials de Terres de l'Ebre (FESTE). A study was carried out of the external and internal environment of the company, the human resources, the technical feasibility of the product, the marketing plan and the economic-financial plan. It was concluded that the project is viable, since externally there is economic and financial growth in the territory and the area where the company wants to establish itself has many advantages.

Bachelor's thesis: The local impact of social actions, quantification and economic analysis

  • Coordination: Claudia Caubet Espuny (claudia.caubet(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Grup Esplai Blanquerna (Blanquerna Esplai Group).
  • Summary:  This project of the academic year 2018-19 involved drafting a social stocktaking report for Espai Blanquerna in the city of Tortosa that quantifies not only the real economic impact of its actions but also the savings generated for society by the organization. To do so, the organization's social projects were analysed and indicators are sought to enable the economic, social and cultural impact of its activities to be evaluated. These aspects were used to reveal a full and wide-ranging social balance sheet for the organization that reflects its financial and social reality.

Bachelor's thesis: The local impact of social actions, quantification and economic analysis

  • Coordination: Fco. Javier Farré Albendea (xavier.farre(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació Cooperació Activa al Camp de Tarragona (Active Cooperation Association in Camp de Tarragona).
  • Summary: The service learning experience consisted of analysing the economic viability and prospects of applying regenerative agriculture in the area. The project evaluated the possible economic development and the creation of employment and progress in the agriculture sector, which is very deeply rooted in Terres de l'Ebre.

Bachelor's thesis: Study of the market for selling second-hand objects in Terres de l'Ebre

  • Coordination: Raquel Planell Tolós (raquel.planell(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: La Segona Volta SCCL (non-profit association dedicated to recovering and selling second-hand items).
  • Summary: The objective of the service learning experience was to help the organisation to publicise and consolidate its project for recovering and selling second-hand products. The aim is to carry out a market study on the consumption of second-hand products in this area.

Bachelor's thesis: Marketing plan for the sale of second-hand items in the TTEEs

  • Coordination: Raquel Planell Tolós (raquel.planell(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: La Segona Volta SCCL.
  • Summary: The aim of the APS is to help the entity in the dissemination and consolidation of its project for the sale of second-hand products. That is why we plan to carry out a marketing plan in order to communicate the benefits of using second-hand products and define the strategy to be followed, both in the short and long term.

Bachelor's thesis: Project for promoting a business orientation organisation

  • Coordination: Jordi Andreu Corbatón (jordi.andreuc(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: SECOT Tarragona (non-profit organisation).
  • Summary: This project consists of analysing the SECOT organisation and making proposals for improving its media and local reach.

Bachelor's thesis: Economic feasibility analysis of a nursing home for people with intellectual disabilities

  • Coordination: Maria Araceli Rodríguez (araceli.rodriguez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Taller Baix Camp (non-profit organisation).
  • Summary: The Taller Baix Camp association is a non-profit organisation declared to be in the public interest based in Reus. It helps adults with intellectual disabilities and their families, mainly from the Baix Camp region. However, it does not as yet offer the service of a home for the elderly with intellectual disabilities. The SL experience aims to analyse costs and revenues to evaluate the sustainability of the project for offering this service at the Masia Roig.

Bachelor's thesis: Land Stewardship Protocols

  • Coordination: Joan Mogas Amoros (joan.mogas(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Grup d'Estudi i Protecció dels Ecosistemes del Camp - GEPEC (Group for the Study and Protection of Country Ecosystems - GEPEC).
  • Summary: The objective is to create a land stewardship protocol between property owners to preserve properties and their immediate surroundings.

Bachelor's thesis: Designing an outreach campaign for an organisation that works with people affected by Alzheimer's

  • Coordination: Anna Bernardez Fanlo (anamaria.bernardez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació familiars Alzheimer de les Terres de l'Ebre - AFATE (Terres de l'Ebre Association of Relatives of People with Alzheimer's).
  • Summary: This bachelor's thesis of the Degree in Marketing (2022-2023) aims to relaunch the association to achieve two goals:
    1. Increase membership, both Alzheimer's patients and their families.
    2. Find sponsors for specific events and monthly contributions.

Bachelor's thesis: Digital marketing plan for wine tourism

  • Coordination: Jaume Gené Albesa (jaume.gene(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Cooperativa de Falset-Marçà (Falset-Marçà Cooperative).
  • Summary: This innovative and creative project, carried out during the 2022-2023 academic year, was focused on the value of the Modernist-Noucentist building of the cooperative for wine tourism. A digital marketing plan was prepared, mainly for social networks, to develop a digital positioning strategy for the cooperative.