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Service Learning in the Degree in Law, Labour Relations and Employment

Final Bachelor's Degree Project: Technical study to start proceedings in the defense of the rights of the animals

  • Coordination: Àngels Galina Saura (angels.galiana(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organization: Tarragona Animal Defence Lawyers Association.
  • Summary: This project was undertaken in the academic year 2018-19. The student worked in collaboration with a new institution to draw up the technical opinions to start the proceedings to defend the rights of animals. The project searches the bibliography- particularly for real cases of dogs dying in public spaces - and studies the current laws in order to explore different jurisdictional and administrative ways. 

Final Bachelor's Degree Project:  Legal report on the sate of healcare comissions in Catalonia 

  • Coordination: Josep Ramon Fuentes (josepramon.fuentes(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
  • Organisation: Regional Association of Consumers and Users of Catalonia - AICUC.
  • Summary: This final project of the academic year 2018-19 aimed to improve conditions for users of the healthcare system by analysing existing laws on healthcare commissions and drafting a proposal to modify Royal Decree 201/2015. This Decree deals with the creation of hospital commissions by region and sector in order to improve working conditions and safeguard the rights of users of hospitals and other medical institutions

Final Bachelor's Degree Project: European Comparison of Measures to Promote Access to Employment for People with Disabilities

  • Coordination: Esther Guerrero Vizuete (esther.guerrero(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
  • Organisation: Fundació ECOM.
  • Summary:
  • This project aims to analyze the actions adopted in different European countries that create more employment opportunities for workers with disabilities. The study consists of two phases: the first analyzes which European countries have the highest percentage of disabled workers in the ordinary labour market; and the second analyzes the measures that promote employment in those countries with the highest employment rate of these workers. Its purpose is to promote these measures and integrate them into Spanish regulations.

Final Bachelor's Degree Project: Socio-labour integration of trans people with disabilities

  • Coordination: Víctor Merino Sancho (victor.merino(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Fundació ECOM.
  • Summary: Creation of a document that describes how trans people with disabilities can find work and take part in society. The document will provide a conceptual framework and will try to identify good practices regarding the care of these people in the Foundation itself, and the relationship between the Foundation and companies.

Bachelor's thesis: Consulting project on the internal organisation for people with dependency status

  • Coordination: Teresa Torres Coronas (teresa.torres(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Fundació Mercè Pla (Mercè Pla Foundation).
  • Summary: Located in Terres de l'Ebre, the Mercè Pla Foundation includes an Early Attention Service, a Special Education Centre, an Occupational Centre, a Residential Care Service and a Special Employment Centre. The organisation provides services for people with disabilities and people with dependency status. The objective of the service learning experience, which took place in the academic year 2022-2023, was to provide internal consulting services for the foundation and its centres to align worker functions and job positions. The student analysed tasks and processes to help the organisation deliver its services more efficiently and improve its users' satisfaction.