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Service Learning in the Bachelor's Degree in Infant and Primary Education

Communicative skills:

  • Coordination: Janaina Minelli de Oliveria Ramos (janaina.oliveira(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Grup Esplai Blanquerna (Blanquerna Esplai Group), Òrgan de Gestió del Complex Educatiu de Tarragona (Management Board of the Educational Complex of Tarragona), El Far Cooperatiu (The Cooperative El Far), Associació Atzavara-arrels (Atzavara-Arrels Association), Associació Catalana Prevenció Suïcidi (Catalan Suicide Prevention Association) Associació de Familiars d'Infants i Joves amb Càncer de Tarragona - AFANOC (Association for Relatives of Infants and Young People with Cancer), Associació per a la Prevenció del Suïcidi i l'Atenció al Supervivent (Association for the Suicide Prevention and Care for Survivors), Associació per les Altes Capacitats de Tarragona i Terres de l'Ebre (Gifted People's Association of Tarragona and the Terres de l'Ebre), Centre de Noves Oportunitats (Centre for New Opportunities), Ecocolmena, ENNATURA'T, S.C.C.L., Fundació Onada (Onada Foundation), Fundació Topromi (Topromi Foundation), La Bastida Participació, L'Escamot cooperativa (L'Escamot cooperative), PAPAGENO - Asociación de Profesionales en Prevención y Posvención del Suicidio (Association of Professionals in Suicide Prevention and Postvention), Programa Ocell de Foc del Camp (Ocell de Foc del Camp Programme), Una Finestra al Món: Intercanvi d'Experiències Educatives (A Window on the World: Educational Experience Exchange)
  • Summary: This service learning experience has taken place since the 2022-2023 academic year as part of the Bachelor's Degrees in Infant Education, Social Education and Pedagogy and the Double Degree in Infant and Primary Education. The objective of the service learning experience was to develop the students' digital competences and creativity, and to communicate to the public the activities of the collaborating organisations, and the objectives they pursue. In this experience, both students and organisations were required to give and take. The organisations supplied the content for the students' creations and provided a real target audience. For their part, the students contributed their creativity and motivation and produced a video, a podcast, an infographic, and a comic book.

Knowledge and use of foreign language II

  • Coordination: Edward Lockhart (edwardalvar.lockhart(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Public libraries of the Tarragona region.
  • Summary: In groups, the students prepare a one-hour storytelling session in English that they will give in a public library in the province of Tarragona. In this way, we encourage the children of the province to have more direct contact with the library in their area, extending the use of English outside the school context and making the work of the students much more real, and therefore significant.

Organization of the school space, materials and teaching skills

  • Coordination: Mercè Gisbert Cervera (merce.gisbert(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: L'Arrabassada School, Torreforta School and Mossèn Ramon Bergadà School.
  • Summary: The general purpose of the project is to improve the initial practical training of teachers through a strategy of collaboration between the university and schools. On the one hand, the school contexts are used as real scenarios for training and research and, on the other, the university works with them to create innovative teaching material resources tailored to their needs. According to the latest government reports and scientific literature, the improvement in the quality of the training of future teachers involves offering a more practice-oriented training. In this process, combining theory and practice in real work contexts becomes the key element to train teachers and develop their professional skills. Specifically, we focus on the development of digital competence, which is an interdisciplinary competence of the curriculum that future teachers will be required to teach and it must be included in various subjects on the degree programme. Likewise, it is a growing need for school teachers and it requires an institutional response. This experience was undertaken in conjunction with the Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy.

Teaching and learning of languages ​​and reading and writing II

  • Coordination: Francesca Segarra Ibáñez (francisca.segarra(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Àngel Guimerà School, City of Reus School, Consol Ferré School, School of Pràctiques Tarragona, Els Àngels School, Marià Fortuny School, Ventura i Gasol School, El Mediterrani High School.
  • Summary: The objective of this project is to help mothers and fathers whose family language is different to develop oral competence in the language of instruction at school. One day a week, conversation groups are held where students programme activities designed to access the language in a much more practical way.

Subject: Oral Communication Skills and Popular Culture

  • Coordination: Gemma Guasch Pamies (gemma.guasch(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Public libraries in Tarragona
  • Summary: Students in the Double Degree in Infant Education and Primary Education with a specialization in English designed and facilitated a storytelling session in a library. Conducted entirely in English, the session consisted of telling a story and then carrying out activities based on it. It took place during the academic year 2022-2023.

Teaching and learning of experimental sciences I / Science Fair

  • Coordination: Maria Teresa Novo Molinero (mteresa.novo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Prat de la Riba School.
  • Summary: The students are responsible for designing and putting into practice the Prat de la Riba School's contribution to the 3rd Science Fair. The main aim is that they have a real experience in project-based learning. Secondary aims are for them to be able to design and implement quality STEM activities for primary school students and to have direct contact with young people in schools. For university students, it is a challenge to plan a whole day of activities for the school's students.