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Service Learning Experiences in the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Education

Learning and personality development

  • Coordinator: Gisela Ferré (gisela.ferre(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Escola Pública de Bonavista (Bonavista Public School).
  • Summary: In the frame of the subject on Learning and Personality Development, which is attended by students from four different degree courses at the Faculty of Education and Psychology Sciences (Infant Education, Primary Education, Social Education and Pedagogy), students work on the classroom integration of 1st and 2nd year primary school pupils from the Escola Bonavista, a group C maximum complexity school. URV students observe interactions amongst infants in the classroom and draw up an integration proposal based on their evolutionary characteristics. The observation sessions are conducted in small groups during November, and in February the findings given to the school.

Communication skills

  • Coordinator: Janaina Minelli de Oliveria Ramos (janaina.oliveira(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Una Finestra al Món: Intercanvi d'Experiències Educatives (A Window on the World: Educational Experiences Exchange).
  • Summary: In this experience, both students and entities give and receive in equal measure. The entities need to explain to the public which activities they carry out and why they do them, and the Communications Skills students need to develop their digital skills and creativity. Consequently, the entities first provide the students with content by explaining their areas of interest to them. In return, the students use this information to create four communicative pieces of work, namely a video, a podcast, an infographic and a comic. The students contribute their creativity and motivation during their contact with the entities and, in exchange, have a real-life client for the work they carry out during the subject on Communications Skills.

Research and assessment in education

  • Coordinator: Juana María Tierno García (responsable.edsoc(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisations: Sant Pere i Sant Pau Civic Centre, Sant Salvador Civic Centre, CRAE Fundació Casa Sant Josep (Sant Josep House Foundation), Tarragona Red Cross, Fundació Topromi (Topromi Foundation), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Ajuntament de Tarragona (Drug Dependence Service of Tarragona City Council), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Drug Dependence Service of Sant Joan University Hospital in Reus), Equips bàsics de serveis socials de Reus (Basic Social Services Teams of Reus) / Escola d'adults Josepa Massanès (Josepa Massanès School for Adults), Unitat d'Escolarització Compartida del Vendrell (El Vendrell Shared Schooling Unit), Associació d'Artistes de la Part Alta - Tallers 03 (Tarragona Old Town Artists Association - Workshops 03).
  • Summary: This experience consists of an interdisciplinary assignment which is carried out by groups of students from the Bachelor's Degrees in Pedagogy and Social Education and which covers all of the subjects taught over the academic year. The assignment takes the form of a project that seeks to meet a specific need identified by each organisation. The students carry out three interviews with staff at the organisations in order to obtain the information they need to design the project. The nature of the project means that the students need to take into account a range of aspects such as diversity, research methodologies, project planning, the legal framework governing the organisation and the project, the psychosocial aspects of the users that it is intended for, and the oral presentation of the project, during which they will work on their communications skills. Students are also assessed regarding the specific and transversal skills they have acquired in each of the subjects, their use of ICT and their use of language during their defence of the assignment before an examination panel. Some of the students' projects deal with issues such as adult education, mental health disorders, aging awareness, environmental education for people with visual disabilities, self-esteem in people with HIV/AIDS, and the creation of a multi-sensory room for people with Alzheimer's, amongst others.

Planning and organisation in educational intervention

  • Coordinator: Juana María Tierno García (responsable.edsoc(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisations: Sant Pere i Sant Pau Civic Centre, Sant Salvador Civic Centre, CRAE Fundació Casa Sant Josep (Sant Josep House Foundation), Tarragona Red Cross, Fundació Topromi (Topromi Foundation), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Ajuntament de Tarragona (Drug Dependence Service of Tarragona City Council), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Drug Dependence Service of Sant Joan University Hospital in Reus), Equips bàsics de serveis socials de Reus (Basic Social Services Teams of Reus) / Escola d'adults Josepa Massanès (Josepa Massanès School for Adults), Unitat d'Escolarització Compartida del Vendrell (El Vendrell Shared Schooling Unit), Associació d'Artistes de la Part Alta - Tallers 03 (Tarragona Old Town Artists Association - Workshops 03).
  • Summary: This experience consists of an interdisciplinary assignment which is carried out by groups of students from the Bachelor's Degrees in Pedagogy and Social Education and which covers all of the subjects taught over the academic year. The assignment takes the form of a project that seeks to meet a specific need identified by each organisation. The students carry out three interviews with staff at the organisations in order to obtain the information they need to design the project. The nature of the project means that the students need to take into account a range of aspects such as diversity, research methodologies, project planning, the legal framework governing the organisation and the project, the psychosocial aspects of the users that it is intended for, and the oral presentation of the project, during which they will work on their communications skills. Students are also assessed regarding the specific and transversal skills they have acquired in each of the subjects, their use of ICT and their use of language during their defence of the assignment before an examination panel. Some of the students' projects deal with issues such as adult education, mental health disorders, aging awareness, environmental education for people with visual disabilities, self-esteem in people with HIV/AIDS, and the creation of a multi-sensory room for people with Alzheimer's, etc.

Politics and educational administration

  • Coordinator: Juana María Tierno García (responsable.edsoc(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisations: Sant Pere i Sant Pau Civic Centre, Sant Salvador Civic Centre, CRAE Fundació Casa Sant Josep (Sant Josep House Foundation), Tarragona Red Cross, Fundació Topromi (Topromi Foundation), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Ajuntament de Tarragona (Drug Dependence Service of Tarragona City Council), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Drug Dependence Service of Sant Joan University Hospital in Reus), Equips bàsics de serveis socials de Reus (Basic Social Services Teams of Reus) / Escola d'adults Josepa Massanès (Josepa Massanès School for Adults), Unitat d'Escolarització Compartida del Vendrell (El Vendrell Shared Schooling Unit), Associació d'Artistes de la Part Alta - Tallers 03 (Tarragona Old Town Artists Association - Workshops 03).
  • Summary: This experience consists of an interdisciplinary assignment which is carried out by groups of students from the Bachelor's Degrees in Pedagogy and Social Education and which covers all of the subjects taught over the academic year. The assignment takes the form of a project that seeks to meet a specific need identified by each organisation. The students carry out three interviews with staff at the organisations in order to obtain the information they need to design the project. The nature of the project means that the students need to take into account a range of aspects such as diversity, research methodologies, project planning, the legal framework governing the organisation and the project, the psychosocial aspects of the users that it is intended for, and the oral presentation of the project, during which they will work on their communications skills. Students are also assessed regarding the specific and transversal skills they have acquired in each of the subjects, their use of ICT and their use of language during their defence of the assignment before an examination panel. Some of the students' projects deal with issues such as adult education, mental health disorders, aging awareness, environmental education for people with visual disabilities, self-esteem in people with HIV/AIDS, and the creation of a multi-sensory room for people with Alzheimer's, etc.
  • Coordination: M. Concepció Torres Sabaté (mariaconcepcio.torres(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
  • Organisations: Associació Catalana d'Infància Maltractada (Catalan Association against Child Abuse), Associació d'Asperger-TEA del Camp de Tarragona (ASPERCAMP), Associació Down Tarragona (Down Syndrome Association of Tarragona), Tarragona Province Red Cross and H2O Collective (Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transsexuals of the Camp de Tarragona Area), Fundació Privada Formació i Treball (Private Foundation for Training and Work), Hort de la Sínia (La Sínia Vegetable Garden), Plataforma Defensa de l'Ebre i COPATE Consorci de Polítiques Ambientals de les Terres de l'Ebre (Platform for the Defence of the Ebro and the Consortium of Environmental Policies of the Terres de l'Ebre Area), Residencia de Acogida "Sant Sebastià" (Sant Sebastià Residence), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Drug Dependence Service of Sant Joan University Hospital in Reus).
  • Summary: This assignment has the same structure as the Interdisciplinary Assignment from previous academic years, but it is solely taught within the subject on Politics and Educational Administration and within the Collaborative Online International Learning project with the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (TEC). The assignments are carried out by mixed groups of students from the TEC and the URV. They have to carry out a viable project at an entity or institution, taking into account the UN's 2030 development goals.

Professional promotion

  • Coordination: Juana María Tierno García (responsable.edsoc(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisations: Sant Pere i Sant Pau Civic Centre, Sant Salvador Civic Centre, CRAE Fundació Casa Sant Josep (Sant Josep House Foundation), Tarragona Red Cross, Fundació Topromi (Topromi Foundation), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Ajuntament de Tarragona (Drug Dependence Service of Tarragona City Council), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Drug Dependence Service of Sant Joan University Hospital in Reus), Equips bàsics de serveis socials de Reus (Basic Social Services Teams of Reus) / Escola d'adults Josepa Massanès (Josepa Massanès School for Adults), Unitat d'Escolarització Compartida del Vendrell (El Vendrell Shared Schooling Unit), Associació d'Artistes de la Part Alta - Tallers 03 (Tarragona Old Town Artists Association - Workshops 03).
  • Summary: This experience consists of an interdisciplinary assignment which is carried out by groups of second year students from the Bachelor's Degrees in Pedagogy and Social Education and which covers all of the subjects taught over the academic year. The assignment takes the form of a project that seeks to meet a specific need identified by each organisation. The students carry out three interviews with staff at the organisations in order to obtain the information they need to design the project. The nature of the project means that the students need to take into account a range of aspects such as diversity, research methodologies, project planning, the legal framework governing the organisation and the project, the psychosocial aspects of the users that it is intended for, and the oral presentation of the project, during which they will work on their communications skills. Students are also assessed regarding the specific and transversal skills they have acquired in each of the subjects, their use of ICT and their use of language during their defence of the assignment before an examination panel. Some of the students' projects deal with issues such as adult education, mental health disorders, aging awareness, environmental education for people with visual disabilities, self-esteem in people with HIV/AIDS, and the creation of a multi-sensory room for people with Alzheimer's, etc.

Psychology of adolescence, maturity and the third age

  • Coordination: Juana María Tierno García (responsable.edsoc(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisations: Sant Pere i Sant Pau Civic Centre, Sant Salvador Civic Centre, CRAE Fundació Casa Sant Josep (Sant Josep House Foundation), Tarragona Red Cross, Fundació Topromi (Topromi Foundation), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Ajuntament de Tarragona (Drug Dependence Service of Tarragona City Council), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Drug Dependence Service of Sant Joan University Hospital in Reus), Equips bàsics de serveis socials de Reus (Basic Social Services Teams of Reus) / Escola d'adults Josepa Massanès (Josepa Massanès School for Adults), Unitat d'Escolarització Compartida del Vendrell (El Vendrell Shared Schooling Unit), Associació d'Artistes de la Part Alta - Tallers 03 (Tarragona Old Town Artists Association - Workshops 03).
  • Summary: This experience consists of an interdisciplinary assignment which is carried out by groups of second year students from the Bachelor's Degrees in Pedagogy and Social Education and which covers all of the subjects taught over the academic year. The assignment takes the form of a project that seeks to meet a specific need identified by each organisation. The students carry out three interviews with staff at the organisations in order to obtain the information they need to design the project. The nature of the project means that the students need to take into account a range of aspects such as diversity, research methodologies, project planning, the legal framework governing the organisation and the project, the psychosocial aspects of the users that it is intended for, and the oral presentation of the project, during which they will work on their communications skills. Students are also assessed regarding the specific and transversal skills they have acquired in each of the subjects, their use of ICT and their use of language during their defence of the assignment before an examination panel. Some of the students' projects deal with issues such as adult education, mental health disorders, aging awareness, environmental education for people with visual disabilities, self-esteem in people with HIV/AIDS, and the creation of a multi-sensory room for people with Alzheimer's, etc.

Diversity care

  • Coordination: Juana María Tierno García (responsable.edsoc(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisations: Sant Pere i Sant Pau Civic Centre, Sant Salvador Civic Centre, CRAE Fundació Casa Sant Josep (Sant Josep House Foundation), Tarragona Red Cross, Fundació Topromi (Topromi Foundation), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Ajuntament de Tarragona (Drug Dependence Service of Tarragona City Council), Servei de Drogodependència de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Drug Dependence Service of Sant Joan University Hospital in Reus), Equips bàsics de serveis socials de Reus (Basic Social Services Teams of Reus) / Escola d'adults Josepa Massanès (Josepa Massanès School for Adults), Unitat d'Escolarització Compartida del Vendrell (El Vendrell Shared Schooling Unit), Associació d'Artistes de la Part Alta - Tallers 03 (Tarragona Old Town Artists Association - Workshops 03).
  • Summary: This experience consists of an interdisciplinary assignment which is carried out by groups of second year students from the Bachelor's Degrees in Pedagogy and Social Education and which covers all of the subjects taught over the academic year. The assignment takes the form of a project that seeks to meet a specific need identified by each organisation. The students carry out three interviews with staff at the organisations in order to obtain the information they need to design the project. The nature of the project means that the students need to take into account a range of aspects such as diversity, research methodologies, project planning, the legal framework governing the organisation and the project, the psychosocial aspects of the users that it is intended for, and the oral presentation of the project, during which they will work on their communications skills. Students are also assessed regarding the specific and transversal skills they have acquired in each of the subjects, their use of ICT and their use of language during their defence of the assignment before an examination panel. Some of the students' projects deal with issues such as adult education, mental health disorders, aging awareness, environmental education for people with visual disabilities, self-esteem in people with HIV/AIDS, and the creation of a multi-sensory room for people with Alzheimer's, etc.

Community, social environment and community action

  • Coordination: Barbara Biglia
  • Organisation: Ajuntament del Vendrell - Taula Comunitària (El Vendrell Town Council - Community Board).
  • Summary: This APS is part of the Vendrell community project which over its long history has built up a relationship of trust and collaborative work with many community organisations. The Community Board, the body that manages the project, has decided to review the project's work over recent years in order to analyse the impact and results of its actions and thus make improvements for the future. The students' assignment is to carry out this review, diagnose the needs of the community and design proposals for improvement. The idea is that students gain experience of how the Community Board functions from the inside while at the same time bringing an external perspective that opens up possibilities for new work in the future. In particular, the aim is to broaden the community's social capital by identifying aspects of its work that need to be strengthened, identifying local organisations that are not yet involved, analysing the project's capacity to communicate with the residents of Vendrell, and looking at ways to improve perceptions of the initiatives proposed, etc. Analysing community dynamics is key to consolidating this project as one of the tools available to the city for providing visibility and support to organisations that would otherwise find it difficult to establish good networks. Furthermore, the students will be able to put into practice, in a real situation, the knowledge and skills they have acquired whilst studying the Community, Social Environment and Community Action subject, and will learn about the advantages and difficulties of working in the field.

Development and professional ethics in social education

  • Coordination: Carmen Negrillo (carme.negrillo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Residència Vila-seca (Vila-seca Residence).
  • Summary: In this course, students conduct a short programme of activities for senior citizens with different social needs, the aim of which is to enhance the health and social relationships of residents of an old people's home. In so doing, they acquire knowledge of a working environment that is intended for socioeducational intervention and gain experience in practicing social responsibility as professionals. At the Vila-seca Retirement Home, and in accordance with the "Demential care mapping" model, which pursues the holistic well-being of the individual, senior citizens are provided with numerous care services. The service learning activities are stimulating experiences such as:

    - Book reading and conversations with senior citizens
    - Games
    - Brain gym exercises
    - Social-emotional educational activities
    - Other creative and artistic activities aimed at promoting social inclusion.

External Internships: Cooperation Practicum

  • Coordination: Paloma Vicens (paloma.vicens(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Fundació El Sueño de la Campana (The Sound of the Bell Foundation).
  • Summary: The Cooperation Practicum is the result of a cooperation agreement between the URV's Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology (FCEP) and the El Sueño de la Campana Foundation in San Ramón (Matagalpa, Nicaragua) during the 2004-2005 academic year. The project was approved by the Board of the Faculty and has been running since the 2012-2013 academic year. Its primary objective is to offer external internships to students of this faculty so that they can gain professional experience and increase their understanding of the levels of poverty and marginalisation suffered by people in other countries. The Faculty's involvement focuses on educational, psychological and social aspects, working mainly with the most vulnerable groups; namely, children, young people and women. The students of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education who join the internships carry out their training tasks in different schools in San Ramón under the supervision of the teaching staff at each of these centres and institutions, the tutors of the FCEP and the psychologist of the El Sueño de la Campana Foundation.
  • You can learn more about the experience by listening to Tarragona Ràdio.

Bachelor's thesis: Cooperation Practicum

  • Coordination: Paloma Vicens (paloma.vicens(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Fundació El Sueño de la Campana (The Sound of the Bell Foundation)
  • Summary: Students who have completed the External Internship since the 2012-2013 academic year within the framework explained above can continue their Bachelor's thesis within the same framework.

Bachelor's thesis: Study on the benefits of horse riding and its environment for people in situations of social vulnerability

  • Coordinator: Montserrat Guasch García (montserrat.guasch(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Club Hípic Reus QMT (QMT Reus Equestrian Club).
  • Summary: This project emerged from the URV's 1st Social Projects Market Place. The aim of this project, carried out during the 2015-2016 academic year, was to undertake a case study to find out how participating in horse riding might help young people at risk of social inclusion. Specifically, the sample was made up of 6 young people at risk of social inclusion who were participating at the time or who were part of a social inclusion project carried out by this organisation. The project seeks to introduce the young people at the Gaudí de Reus Secondary School to the world of horse riding. These young people had curricular adaptations for various reasons, including lack of motivation, rejection of the school dynamics, lack of learning strategies, and personal and/or social problems, among others.

Bachelor's thesis: Study of the organisation's impact on the community environment

  • Coordination: Cristian Carrera (cristiano.carrera(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Fundació Mossen Federic Bara i Cortiella (Mossen Federic Bara i Cortiella Foundation).
  • Summary: This bachelor's thesis option emerged from the 3rd URV Social Projects Market Place. In the 2017-2018 academic year, it was decided to study the impact of the foundation's actions on the community environment in order to determine how its educational interventions help to improve the academic performance of the people it serves.

Bachelor's thesis: Social entrepreneurship as a tool for social inclusion

  • Coordination: Joan Cabré Olivé (joan.cabre(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Jove Cambra de Tarragona (Youth Chamber of Tarragona).
  • Summary: This bachelor's thesis emerged from the 2nd URV Social Projects Market Place. The International Youth Chamber is a non-governmental association where young people from all over the world learn to take responsibility and develop leadership skills by working on projects for the community. For this reason, one of the association's aims is to attract new members to lead current and future projects and to analyse community needs in order to lead responsive projects. To make effective project proposals, during the 2016-2017 academic year, bachelor's thesis students analysed the needs, interests and motivations of a group of young people aged 16-25 in Tarragona, whilst at the same time empowering the young people to make project proposals themselves. More specifically, the aim was to analyse young people either at risk of social exclusion or already in a situation of social exclusion in Tarragona so that the Youth Chamber could start a new research line into the leadership of social inclusion projects. Therefore, the starting point was to explore the strategies, programmes, expertise and potential that the Youth Chamber has in terms of entrepreneurship and project leadership with the aim of identifying the key elements to incorporate or take into account in the Youth Chamber's entrepreneurship strategy and thus promote successful projects for social inclusion in young people.

Bachelor's thesis: Analysis of adaptive capacities of persons with intellectual disabilities

  • Coordinator: Aitor Gómez González (aitor.gomez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: La Tutela (Catalan Foundation for Assisting Psychological Disabilities and the Elderly).
  • Summary: During the 2017-2018 academic year, the student carried out their bachelor's thesis in supervised accommodation whereby they evaluated the social needs of the people who lived there and thus made a proposal for improving their social skills. The student carried out semi-structured interviews with professionals, and a small questionnaire on social skills and an interview with the people who lived in the supervised accommodation. The student also carried out onsite observations in the accommodation to see how the residents dealt with daily situations and how they used their social skills. As a result of this study, the student was able to put forward a proposal for improving the residents' social skills whilst meeting the needs of the professionals too.

Bachelor's thesis: Fostering motivation, dynamics and interest among young people

  • Coordinator: Aitor Gómez González (aitor.gomez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Espai Jove Kesse (Kesse Youth Space).
  • Summary: During the 2017-2018, research was carried out that applied techniques for gathering qualitative data from professionals and users of the service offered by Espai Jove Kesse. The main objective was to identify the motives why young people did not use the service regularly and thus be able to offer a proposal that helped to increase and maintain their numbers. Interviews and discussion groups were useful for detecting possible reasons why the young people were not attending.

Bachelor's thesis: Population-based study on sport and people with physical disabilities

  • Coordinator: Montserrat Guasch García (montserrat.guasch(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació d'Esport Adaptat de Pàdel "Pàdel Amb Tu" ("Padel with you" Adapted Sport Association).
  • Summary: Population study on sport and people with disabilities, from the age of 7, in the province of Tarragona carried out during the 2018-2019 academic year. The aim was to classify the different sports practiced, with information on each activity, schedules, frequency, prices, etc., to calculate the percentage of people who practice sports activities in employment workshops and special education schools and to explore the possibilities of improving sports programmes aimed at the disabled community.

Bachelor's thesis: Consequences of eviction on the physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing of those affected

  • Coordinator: Montserrat Guasch García (montserrat.guasch(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació Casal Cultural Panxampla (Panxampla Cultural Association).
  • Summary: This study explores the consequences of evictions on the physical, psychological and emotional well-being of those affected. The study was conducted as part of an interdisciplinary project involving the Terres de l'Ebre Mortgage Borrowers' Platform and the URV's Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and Bachelor's Degree in Social Education, within the framework of the Bachelor's thesis subject during the 2018-2019 academic year. The students carry out qualitative fieldwork, mainly as observers at the platform's meetings throughout the Terres de l'Ebre area and through in-depth interviews with people affected, with the aim of making visible the social problems that exist beyond individual cases. In the same way, we identified how the Platform functions as a community movement providing support and emotional accompaniment for those affected.

Bachelor's thesis: Study on approaches to tackling emotional distress among young people

  • Coordinator: Miquel Folch Carbonell (miquel.folch(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Espai Jove Kesse (Kesse Youth Space).
  • Summary:  The project sought to address a specific issue identified by the Espai Jove Kesse in its role as a community organisation working with young people. The organisation's technical team realised that they did not know how to manage the increase in emotional worries, concerns and distress among the young people who come to the centre. The project was carried out during the 2018-2019 academic year and consisted of two analyses: one of the resources needed to respond to this need that were available to the organisations Espai Jove Kesse, Oficina Jove, l'Oficina Jove del Tarragonès and l'Espai Jove La Palmera; and one of the professional training (competences, skills, roles) of the social educators whose task is to work on emotional issues with these young people. The overall aim was to improve the centres' ability to deal with situations of emotional distress in young people. 

Bachelor's thesis: Project for the exchange of experiences between ordinary schools and special education schools

  • Coordinator: Mireia Manchado (mireia.manchado(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació Provincial de Paràlisi Cerebral - La Muntanyeta (La Muntanyeta Provincial Cerebral Palsy Association).
  • Summary: Field work in a special education centre providing support for students with specific needs during the 2018-2019 academic year. These students, with specific socialisation needs, required specific care in terms of their living environment. The objective bachelor's thesis was, therefore, to record life stories and in-depth interviews with the centre's social educator and family tutors and the teachers at the ordinary schools. This was qualitative research, the aim of which was to provide explanatory causes that would cover the object of study.

Bachelor's thesis: Creation of a catalogue of resources for the SIAD Deltebre

  • Coordinator: Mireia Manchado Cabré (mireia.manchado(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: SIAD Deltebre- Ajuntament de Deltebre (Deltebre Women's Care and Information Service - Deltebre Town Council).
  • Summary: This experience stems from the work of Rosa Queral, a prominent feminist activist in the Terres de l'Ebre area and ex-professor of the URV and from her relationship with the Women's Care and Information Service of the Terres de l'Ebre area. The service identified the need to create a catalogue of resources in the area to meet the needs of both the people who use the service and the professionals who work there. A catalogue of resources makes it possible to know precisely what services are available in the area, who they are aimed at and with what objective. The ultimate aim of the work, carried out in 2018-2019, was to provide professionals and the population with a tool that they could consult for specific information and that thus addressed the needs of the different parts of the territory.

Bachelor's thesis: Single-parent families in Deltebre

  • Coordinator: Mireia Manchado Cabré (mireia.manchado(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Ajuntament de Deltebre (Deltebre Town Council).
  • Summary: The town council is a municipal institution whose function is to look after the interests of the whole population and find solutions to the needs of those it serves. Single-parent families of Deltebre are a large group of people about whom little information is available. Consequently, during the 2018-2019 academic year, this bachelor's thesis studied the needs of this group with the aim of creating resources, tools and actions to help them. This analysis of needs provided real and accurate knowledge of these families. The ultimate objective was to provide the Town Council with reliable and accurate information to implement equality policies. 

Bachelor's thesis:  Study of the needs of families from an association that assists those with autism spectrum disorder

  • Coordinator: Montserrat Guasch Garcia (montserrat.guasch(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
  • Organisation: Associació Transtorn Espectre Autista de les Terres de l'Ebre - ATEATE (Autism Spectrum Disorder Association of the Terres de l'Ebre area).
  • Summary: In the 2018-2019 academic year, the student carried out a study of the needs of the association in order to redirect the objectives of the organisation towards actions in favour of training, awareness and support for people affected by autistic spectrum disorders and their families. The project worked with the various people involved to analyse their needs and how to address them. 

Bachelor's thesis: Analysis of the improvement in academic performance of infants who participate in the Esplaiat initiative

  • Coordinator: Regina Gairal (regina.gairal(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació Atzavara-Arrels (Atzavara-Arrels Association).
  • Summary: During the 2018-2019 academic year, the student examined the following hypothesis: the infants who participate in the Esplai initiative of the Atzavara-Arrels Association improve their academic performance and move progressively closer to educational success. The project worked in conjunction with the association to carry out the research. 

Bachelor's thesis: Design of a mentoring model for young people without family role models

  • Coordinator: Mireia Manchado Cabré (mireia.manchado(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Grup d'Esplai Blanquerna (Esplai Blanquerna Group).
  • Summary: This experience emerged from the need of the Espai Blanquerna Group to offer solutions to communication difficulties and the need for assistance experienced principally by young people and foreigners. The study led to the creation of a mentoring training programme aimed at both professionals and volunteers.

Educational activity in families

  • Coordinator: Jessica Casas (jessica.casas(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Institut Municipal de Serveis Socials de Tarragona (Tarragona Municipal Institute of Social Services).
  • Summary: Students design family educational projects on the basis of the reals needs detected by professionals from the Basic Social Services Teams of Tarragona. The activity means that Social Educators from the Basic Social Services Teams participate actively with students to assess and guide them and to monitor the design of the project.

Chilhood and Health

  • Coordinator: Carmen Ponce (carmen.ponce(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Departament de Salut Pública de l'Ajuntament de Reus, Col·legis i Instituts de Reus (Department of Public Health of Reus Town Council, Primary and Secondary Schools in Reus).
  • Summary: The students participate in the development of an interactive exhibition aimed at students in the 4th year of their secondary education in the city of Reus. It deals with the themes of drug addiction prevention (alcohol, tobacco and pills) and HIV prevention and sexual health. It is part of a Secondary School Health Education project by the Department of Public Health of Reus Town Council. The exhibition is presented as a one-off project but it is part of a wider continuous project carried out by tutors and students throughout the school year. 
  • You can listen to the experience in Tarragona Ràdio
  • Vídeo: 

Ethics in an educational intervention in social maladaptation

  • Coordinator: Carmen Negrillo Falcó (carme.negrillo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Residència Vila-seca (MGI- Mutual Gestión Integral)
  • Summary: Students of this subject design and implement a small programme of activities with the aim of offering a service to improve the health, social relations, etc. of the users of a residential home for the elderly. At the same time, students can gain hands on experience and learn professional social responsibility in a real socio-educational working environment.At the Residència Vila-seca, various services for the elderly are provided through a person-centred care approach based on the "Dementia care mapping" model that seeks the integral wellbeing of people. The service-learning activities consist of experiences that enhance this approach, such as:

- Reading books and talking to adults;

- Engaging in play activities;

- Doing brain gymnastics activities;

- Carrying out socio-emotional education activities;

- Doing other activities related to art, creativity, social inclusion, etc.

Students will be able to learn and gain experience in working with adults through educational, recreational and social activities.

Ethics in educational intervention in children and families

  • Coordinator: Carmen Negrillo Falcó (carme.negrillo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Residència Vila-seca (MGI- Mutual Gestión Integral)
  • Summary: Students of this subject design and implement a small programme of activities with the aim of offering a service to improve the health, social relations, etc. of the users of a residential home for the elderly. At the same time, students can gain hands on experience and learn professional social responsibility in a real socio-educational working environment. At the Residència Vila-seca, various services for the elderly are provided through a person-centred care approach based on the "Dementia care mapping" model that seeks the integral wellbeing of people. The service-learning activities consist of experiences that enhance this approach, such as:

- Reading books and talking to adults;

- Engaging in play activities;

- Doing brain gymnastics activities;

- Carrying out socio-emotional education activities;

- Doing other activities related to art, creativity, social inclusion, etc.

Students will be able to learn and gain experience in working with adults through educational, recreational and social activities

Bachelor’s thesis: Project to provide emotional guidance for young people

  • Coordinator: Miquel Folch Carbonell (miquel.folch(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Espai Jove Kesse (Kesse Youth Space).
  • Summary: This project from the 2018-2019 academic year forms part of the Bachelor's thesis in Social Education and addresses a specific issue identified by the Espai Jove Kesse in its role as a community organisation working with young people.
    The organisation's technical team realised that they did not know how to manage the increase in emotional worries, concerns and distress among the young people who come to the centre. The work consisted of two analyses: one of the resources needed to respond to this need that were available to the organisations Espai Jove Kesse, Oficina Jove, l'Oficina Jove del Tarragonès and l'Espai Jove La Palmera; and one of the professional training (competences, skills, roles) of the social educators whose task it is to work on emotional issues with these young people.

Bachelor's thesis: Study of the social and health effects of evictions on family relations

  • Coordinator: Monsterrat Guasch García (montserrat.guasch(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Plataforma Afectats per la Hipoteca - Terres de l'Ebre (Terres de l'Ebre Mortgage Borrowers Platform).
  • Summary: This is an exploratory study aimed at identifying the consequences of evictions on the physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing of those affected.