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Service Learning Experiences in the Bachelor's Degree in Telematic Engineering

Bachelor's thesis - Mobile application for the Tarragona Blood Bank

  • Coordination: Montse García Famoso (montse.garcia@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Banc de Sang i Teixits (BTS) de Tarragona (Tarragona Blood and Tissue Bank - BTS).
  • Summary: 
  • Carried out during the 2013-2014 academic year, the goal of the collaboration was to develop a mobile application that:
    - gives information about donation centres (mobile and nonmobile) and campaigns, and
    - increases the number of donations.
    Students defined, designed and implemented a multi-platform mobile application that allows users to access services offered through the corporate website and other extra services.
  • You can listen to the experience on Tarragona Ràdio

Bachelor's thesis - Mobile application for people with accessibility problems

  • Coordination: César Mauri Loba (cesar.mauri@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació Provincial de Paràlisi Cerebral (APPC) (Provincial Association of Cerebral Palsy, APPC)
  • Summary: This project from the academic year 2013-2014 developed an application for direct access to the touch screen in Android devices that improves physical accessibility. The development of the application was technically and socially validated by people with cerebral palsy at the APPC. The application was made available free of charge under an open-source license. Other organisations, such as ASPACE Barcelona and Confederació ASPACE, were also involved. 

Bachelor's thesis - Mobile application for interacting with children with autism who are lost

  • Coordination: Maria Ferré Bergadà (maria.ferre@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació Astafanias, Asociación Internacional de Policías Tarragona (IPA) (Astafanias Association, International Association of Police - Tarragona).
  • Summary: During the 2016-2017 academic year, one student from the Degree in Computer Engineering and one from the Degree in Telematics Engineering participated in this service learning experience. Also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), autism can have different manifestations and create communication challenges that can prevent emergency services from interacting with children. Students participating in this experience helped to design an information system that reinforces the procedures of emergency services and law enforcement agencies when autistic children are involved. They designed a web application and a mobile app that facilitate the interaction between these services, and the child and their family members and guardians.