Summary: This project is from the 1st Social Projects Marketplace held at the Faculty of Business and Economics in Reus in April 2014 and it was put into practice during the 2014-2015 academic year. The association wanted to set up a room for aerial activities (vertical dance, abseiling, etc.) for amateurs, members of the association and people with physical disabilities, so that they can experience greater control and reduce their limitations of movement, at least in this room. The student helped to draft a plan for aerial activities in the facilities of the association. The plan included a study of the costs of the activities, funding systems and a funding proposal.
Organisation: Banc de Sang i Teixits (Blood and Tissue Bank)
Summary: The Blood and Tissue Bank ensures that blood is comprehensively managed from the moment of donation to transfusion and at all the collection points at the main hospitals of Catalonia. Management is decentralized and depends on a budget allocated to each of the Catalan provinces. Managers in the province of Tarragona need to plan their campaigns with mobile extraction units in the region every year, but they have difficulties in optimizing the allocation of the annual budget because they do not have necessary information about the cost of each campaign, which depends on where it takes place.
Given this situation, we set out the following objectives for the service-learning experience:
To determine the specific cost of each mobile unit campaign.
To design indicators to compare the efficiency of the campaigns.
To giving managers of mobile extraction units a dynamic computer tool that allows them to update and manage financial information about the service. This would improve and support future management of the budget and the organization of blood donation campaigns.
This was an interdisciplinary project carried out with the Degree in Business Administration and Management during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Bachelor’s thesis: Study on the tax regime for patronage
Organisation:La iMAGInada, associació cultural (The iMAGInada, cultural association)
Summary: This project is from the URV's 2nd Social Projects Marketplace and was carried out during the academic year 2015-2016. The association needed advice and self-regulation to adapt appropriately to new taxation rules regarding patronage, and to determine the impact such changes may have on their work. Consequently, they requested information on the tax regulations applicable to donors and the association itself, on the financing that may be obtained from patrons and on the corresponding accounting and registry obligations
Organisation: Associació Intercomarcal de Consumidors i Usuaris de Catalunya (Interregional Association of Consumers and Users of Catalonia)
Summary: This project is from the 2nd Social Projects Marketplace, held on 28 April 2015 at the URV's Sescelades Campus, and was carried out during the 2015-2016 academic year. It investigated the problems of microcredits in order to address the association's concerns about abusive and/or inadequate credit and consumer loans. The thesis focused on the following topics: legislation on microcredits, non-compliance with basic consumer rights, effect of interest on outstanding capital, and comparison of microcredits with other sources of financing.
Bachelor's thesis: Design of a plan to recruit financial donors
Organisation: Fundació Mossén Frederic Bara i Cortiella (Mossén Frederic Bara i Cortiella Foundation)
Summary: During the 2018-19 academic year, students created a marketing plan for the Foundation, which serves children between 4 and 16 years of age with few socio-economic resources. The plan included a calendar of activities for recruiting donors to finance the socio-educational projects of the Foundation. Students assisted in drafting a document that will help the organisation design an advertising and recruitment plan for donors who may provide regular or occasional financial support.
Bachelor's thesis - Financing plan for a social and cultural cooperative in Tarragona
Organisation: Cooperativa Obrera Tarraconense (Workers Cooperative of Tarragona).
Summary: The Cooperative aimed to improve the services it provides its members and offer new ones. To do so, it needed to find funding for the improvements and additions proposed by the current management of the organisation. Thus, the objective of this service learning project was to analyse the assets of the cooperative, describe current regular and occasional sources of income, and identify other potential financial sources.
Bachelor's thesis - Financing plan for a mental health social organisation
Organisation: Associació Ment i Salut La Muralla (La Muralla Mind and Health Association)
Summary: This bachelor's thesis was written during the 2022-2023 academic year. One of the great needs of the association is to have solid and secure funding because exclusive reliance on public sources may be a threat to its stability. Guaranteed funding would enable the organisation to carry out all their planned activities and maintain all the services already being provided. Given this situation, students drew up a plan to find new sources of funding. The plan included the organisation of campaigns to recruit new members and donors, the launch of crowdfunding campaigns and the organisation of recruitment and visibility events.