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Service Learning Experiences in the Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy

Optional tutored practicum: research, sport, hydrotherapy, external activity

  • Coordination: Maria del Carme Casajuana (mariadelcarme.casajuana(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organizations: Schools and civic centers in the city of Reus.
  • Summary: Students of fourth-course of the Degree of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and the Degree of Physiotherapy carried out various activities of APS to more than 4,000 boys and girls in schools and institutes of Reus during the course 2015-2016. The realization of these activities makes students of the URV learn to transmit health tips, reflect on the need to educate the population and therefore improve their quality of life in general. All the topics covered are based on prevention in premature ages from different health problems that prevail in the adult population, such as obesity and low back pain. The specific objectives of the activities include knowing the healthy alternatives, the importance of a healthy eating habits, which foods make up a healthy meal, or the correct postures when performing different activities of daily life. These activities are developed since the course 2012-2013 with the collaboration of the Town Hall of Reus and various schools and civic centers of the city.
  • You can listen to the experience in Tarragona Radio

Final Degree Project - Health promotion at schools

  • Coordination: Maria del Carme Casajuana (mariadelcarme.casajuana(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organizations: Schools and civic centers in the city of Reus.
  • Summary: After completing the course entitled "Optional tutored practicum: research, sport, hydrotherapy, external activity", students can choose to conduct a service learning final project on the promotion of health.

Interdisciplinary seminar

  • Coordination: Sònia Monterde Pérez and Isabel Salvat Salvat (sonia.monterde(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat / mariaisabel.salvat(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Entity: Federation Mestral d'Associacions de discapacitats físiques i orgàniques Mestral - COCEMFE
  • Summary: Due to the increasing number of people with chronic pain and in the light of research conducted by the Physiotherapy Unit of the Department of Medicine and Surgery at the Rovira i Virgili University, we introduced an educational programme entitled "Understanding pain" aimed at the general public and linked to a community-based research project. The aims of the programme are, firstly, to help people suffering from chronic pain by providing them with a greater understanding of their condition, and, secondly, to enable Physiotherapy students (i.e. future physiotherapy professionals) to understand pain and explain it to their patients. The programme is based on studies that demonstrate how reconceptualising pain is useful for reducing it and improving the quality of life of sufferers. It consists of a student-led conference-symposium on the neurophysiology of pain that aims to eradicate the dangerous, deep-rooted idea that pain is associated with injury. So far, three conference-symposiums intended for sufferers of chronic pain and fibromyalgia have been held. Although the results have not yet been quantitatively evaluated, opinions show that the experiences are being judged positively. Both the towns at which the event has already been held (Valls and Cambrils), for example, have requested a second edition and one of these has already been held (in Valls).