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Service Learning Experiences in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training

Learning and Teaching Technology

  • Coordination: Dolors Puigjaner Riba (dolors.puigjaner@urv.cat)
  • Organisations: Institut Serra de Miramar de Valls, Col·legi Sagrat Cor, Institut Antoni Martí i Franquès, Institut d'Educació Secundària Roseta Mauri (Serra de Miramar de Valls Secondary School, Sacred Heart School, Antoni Martí i Franquès Secondary School, Roseta Mauri Secondary School).
  • Summary: With this project, students learned a teaching methodology first-hand and in a practical way, while providing a social service to the community. Students facilitated interactive groups at the Serra de Miramar de Valls Secondary School, a learning community that promotes interactional learning using interactive group teaching. This requires the collaboration of volunteer and altruistic adults who facilitate the interactive groups in the classroom. Through this experience, students of the master's degree (and future teachers) worked with secondary school students and learned an interactive and enriching classroom methodology. Thanks to this collaboration, the secondary school was able to increase the number of subjects that include interactive groups in their teaching plan.
  • Coordination: Dolors Puigjaner Riba (dolors.puigjaner@urv.cat)
  • Community organizations:
    • 2013-2014 academic year: AMPA Escola de Pràctiques de Tarragona (AMPA Tarragona Pràctiques School)
    • 2014-2015 academic year: IES Martí i Franquès, IES Roseta Mauri, Col·legi Sagrat Cor (Martí i Franquès Secondary School, Roseta Mauri Secondary School, Sacred Heart School)
    • 2015-2016 academic year: Institut d'Educació Secundària de Deltebre, Institut Escola Pi del Burgar (Deltebre Secondary School, Pi del Burgar Primary and Secondary School)
  • Summary: The First Lego League (FLL) is an international programme created to encourage the interest of children between the ages of 9 and 16 in science and technology while they learn important values and knowledge. The children must work as a team and use the service learning methodology. Groups of the Tarragona Pràctiques School that participated in the Junior First Lego League were coached by an MA student, who learned the service learning teaching methodology first-hand and in a practical way, while providing a social service to the community.

Master’s Thesis - Learning methodological strategies for children with Asperger

  • Coordination: Dolors Puigjaner Riba (dolors.puigjaner@urv.cat)
  • Community organization: Asperger Association (ASPERCAMP)
  • Summary: This proposal comes from URV's 1st Social Projects Marketplace and is part of an interdisciplinary project with the participation of students and lecturers from the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, the Master's Degree in Educational Technology: E-Learning and Knowledge Management and Telematic Engineering. Children with Asperger's have difficulties obtaining satisfactory results at school because most school activities are designed for neurotypical children. Their learning can improve by using the new technologies to adapt the teaching methodology. Thus, this 2014-2015 master's thesis compiled scientific evidence to advise secondary school teachers on how to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve the education of students with Asperger's syndrome. For this purpose, the student made a systematic analysis of the main research done in the field and wrote a proposal about the use of ICT for children with Asperger's.

Learning and personality development

  • Coordination: Jorge Manuel Dueñas Rada (jorgemanuel.duenas(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisations: Servei de Protecció d'Emergència El Pla i Fundació Mossén Frederic Bara i Cortiella (El Pla Emergency Protection Service and Mossén Frederic Bara i Cortiella Foundation).
  • Summary:
  1. This project created activities to promote reading among students in lower-secondary, upper-secondary and vocational training schools who are between twelve and eighteen-years-old and who attend the Open Centre of the organisation, which is not part of the school curriculum but does provide educational activities.
  2. This project created educational activities to promote meaningful learning in different areas (home economy, computer science, history, geography) for those pupils who attend the Open Centre of the organisation.