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Service Learning in the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing

Subject: Adult nursing

  • Coordination: Eva de Mingo Fernández (evamariade.mingo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Nursing second-year students
  • Summary: This SL experience is designed for second-year students of nursing in the Catalunya Campus and the Seu del Baix Penedès Campus. The objective was to enter into agreements with associations and help them by preparing activities such as talks, posters, guides, etc. Second-year nursing students taking the subject Adult Nursing contacted a member of the association. In this way, and by means of an interview designed by the lecturers and approved by the collaborating association, they found out first-hand the experiences and opinions of the members in terms of their illness. The interviews were carried out in person by videoconference or on the telephone. Subsequently, students made a presentation for the rest of the class. The presentation was also shared on Moodle for all students enrolled in Adult Nursing at the three URV campuses. Each student wrote a personal reflection before, during and after the activity.

Management and organizational experience

  • Coordination: Elena Solà Miravete (mariaelena.sola(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: ESAT-SAM Sant Creu de Jesús Hospital, Tortosa.
  • Summary: Students take part in developing improvement projects in a social health center in the Terres de l'Ebre aiming to prevent falls and pressure ulcers in the elderly. Falls are the problem that most frequently limits their autonomy. All falls have consequences for people, and sometimes they can be very serious. Most falls occur in the home or place of residence: getting up and going to bed, sitting down and getting up, dressing or undressing, on the stairs or in the bathroom. Preventive measures can be taken. On pressure ulcers: a Spanish study on the prevalence of pressure ulcers (PU), in primary care, observed a 9.1% prevalence of PU (confidence interval, CI, of 95%: 7, 6 - 10.6) in patients receiving home care; 8.9% (95% CI: 7.5 - 10.3) in hospital patients and 10.9 (95% CI: 9.0 - 12.8) in people attending social health centres. First, students had to identify environmental risks and vulnerability factors and and then make recommendations to reduce the risk.

    The subject of Management and Organizational Experience works on the quality and continuous improvement of healthcare methodology. Students are given the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge they have acquired, identify improvement opportunities and take part in the design of improvement action plans and protocols in a specific health centre. In groups of 3 or 4, students who engage in service learning undertake an improvement project in a health centre in the Terres de l'Ebre on the two issues identified as priorities:
    - Prevention of falls and other injuries.
    - Prevention of pressure ulcers.

    In a real environment, they will learn to work on the different phases of continuous improvement based on an analysis of the initial situation (first phase of the improvement cycle), always coordinated by the lecturer of the subject and by the tutors of the centre.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: A social look at mental health: current perceptions about stigma

  • Coordination: Mª Antonia Martorell Poveda (mariaantonia.martorell(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Pere Mata Foundation.
  • Summary:This project arose from the 1st Social Projects Market and was carried out during the 2014/2015 academic year. The aim was to carry out a final degree project on an approach to the current perceptions about stigma in mental health, in order to assess actions and generate changes in social perspective. To this end, students reviewed the bibliography and engaged in discussion groups by which they intended to get a panoramic view of the meaning of the participants towards health and mental illness. They detected a considerable lack of knowledge and misinformation about mental health, which reinforces stereotypes and prejudices in today's society. The need to combat stigma in education, health and citizenship was also evident. Likewise, they showed the importance of raising citizen awareness by making information available and encouraging contact between the general public and people with mental illness through community support networks.
  • Poster: "A social look at mental health: current perceptions about stigma", Sara Lasheras González.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Family caregivers of people with Alzheimer's

  • Coordination: Mª Antonia Martorell Poveda (mariaantonia.martorell(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Tarragona Association of Alzheimer's Relatives (AFAT) - Rosa de Abril Centre.
  • Summary: This TFG was carried out during the academic year 2014/2015. Its main objectives were to detect the needs and demands of primary-care nurses and family members caring for people with Alzheimer's. To this end, semi-structured interviews and discussion groups were carried out with family caregivers of people with Alzheimer's, who attend the Rosa de Abril Centre of the Tarragona Association of Relatives of Alzheimer's in (AFAT). To describe the profile of the caregivers, we used the Zarit caregiver burden scale and the scale measuring the quality of life of caregivers from a nursing perspective ICUB97. By taking part, the students were participants in the AFAT project seeking to design a comprehensive care plan for families.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Study on identity and sexuality in adolescents with Down syndrome

  • Coordination: Maria Isabel Font Jiménez (mariaisabel.font(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Tarragona Down Association.
  • Summary: Carried out during the 2015/2016 academic year, this project arose from the URV's 2nd Market of Social Projects and focused on current perceptions about identity and sexuality in adolescents with Down syndrome. To this end, we reviewed the bibliography and used the information and experience provided by the association and its users.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Study on caregivers of people with Parkinson's disease

  • Coordination: Silvia López Reyes (silvia.lopez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Parkinson's Association of the Regions of Tarragona.
  • Summary: The objective of this project carried out during the 2015/2016 academic year was to learn about the experiences of the caregiver and/or primary caregiver of a person with Parkinson's. It focused on how patient and caregiver coexist, and, in particular, identified the factors that influence adaptation to the disease, compared the differences in the role of caregiver of different genders and studied how the disease affects the life of the caregiver. The qualitative research methodology used involved in-depth interviews.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Perception of health and benefits of sport in improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities

  • Coordination: Maria Dolors Burjalés Martí (mdolors.burjales(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Baix Camp Workshop.
  • Summary: The project arose from the 1st Social Projects Market held in Reus and was carried out during the 2015/2016 academic year. Its main objective was to study the psychosocial benefits (integration, socialization and self-esteem) that sport has on people with intellectual disabilities and to generate ideas about how to take care of their health. To this end, the bibliography was reviewed and semi-structured interviews were held with a group of users of the Baix Camp Workshop. One of the main conclusions was that users perceived that sport had physical, psychological and recreational benefits and that the main motivation to practice sport was intrinsic.
  • Poster: "Perception of health and the benefits of sport in improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities", Natalia Salamero Ayén.

Bachelor’s thesis: Family experiences with children with coeliac disease

  • Coordination: Isabel Font Jiménez (mariaisabel.font(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació Celiacs de Catalunya (Coeliacs Association of Catalonia).
  • Summary: There is considerable misunderstanding about the care of children with coeliac disease, so parents often take it upon themselves to educate schools about the disease. For this reason, the experiences of parents and the information they give are very useful for educating society about coeliac disease. The objective of this service learning project was to give greater visibility to groups that are usually invisible, that is to say, to families with coeliac children. During the academic year 2017-2018, students studied the parents' experience at the moment of diagnosis, the challenges they had to overcome, and the changes that took place in their lives at the social and family levels. Students gathered this information from interviews, which they analysed using a phenomenological methodology.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Study on the social and health effects of eviction on family relationships

  • Coordination: Josep Barceló Prats (josep.barcelo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Platform for People Affected by Mortgages - Terres de l'Ebre.
  • Summary: This project arose from the URV's 4th Market of Social Projects. It aimed to explore the effects of evictions on the physical, psychological and emotional well-being of the people affected. This 2018/2019 work was part of an interdisciplinary project involving the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages-Terres de l'Ebre (PAH-TE), the URV's Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and the URV's Bachelor's Degree in Social Education, and was carried out within the framework of the final degree projects. The student carried out quality fieldwork, especially participant observation in the PAH assemblies in the region and in-depth interviews with the people affected, in order to reveal the social problems behind the individual cases. In the same way, the study reported how the PAH works as a community movement of support and emotional accompaniment to the people affected.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Development of a practical guide to healthy habits for people with intellectual disabilities

  • Coordination: Lina Cristina Casadó Marín (linacristina.casado(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: La Tutela Foundation.
  • Summary: This project arose from the 5th Market of Social Projects of the URV. It is an interdisciplinary project involving the Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, carried out during the 2018/2019 academic year within the framework of the final degree projects. The objective was to draw up a practical guide of healthy habits for people with intellectual disabilities who are under public guardianship but living independently. The students engaged in joint fieldwork that involved interviewing and observing two users of the organization with the aim of detecting what they understood by a healthy diet and healthy habits. Under the supervision of the people in charge of the Foundation, they developed a practical and comprehensive guide to healthy habits, designed with this specific group in mind. Finally, they designed and developed a workshop so that the users of the Foundation could put into practice the materials if they were ever to live independently.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: New psycho-stimulation techniques for people with dementia

  • Coordination: Lina Cristina Casadó Marín (linacristina.casado(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat).
  • Organisation: STS Misericordia Nursing Home.
  • Summary: This project from the academic year 2018-19 responded to the need of the nursing home to explore new techniques and systems for the psycho-stimulation of people with dementia who reside at the home. Students conducted prior observation (of staff, resources and profiles) to identify the most beneficial techniques for their patients, bearing in mind the resources available. The aim was to draft a programme of care techniques based on meaningful activities for people with dementia that also consider aspects such as the patient's life story.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Dissemination tool for caregivers of people with Alzheimer's

  • Coordination: Lina Cristina Casadó Marín (linacristina.casado(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Familiars d'Alzheimer de Tarragona Association (AFA) and Familiars d'Alzheimer de les Terres de l'Ebre Association  (AFATE).
  • Summary: This project considers the needs of AFA and AFATE caregivers and people affected by Alzheimer's disease, and aims to design and implement a dissemination tool for caregivers and people diagnosed to be in the early stages of Alzheimer's.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Development of a guide to healthy habits for people with Alzheimer's and their families

  • Coordination: María Jesús Aguarón García (mariajesus.aguaron(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: AFATE - Terres de l'Ebre Family Alzheimer's Association.
  • Summary: Development of a guide to healthy habits for people with Alzheimer's and their families.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Study on the social and health effects of eviction on family relationships

  • Coordination: Josep Barceló Prats (josep.barcelo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Platform for People Affected by Mortgages - Terres de l'Ebre.
  • Summary: This study aims to explore the effects of evictions on the physical, psychological and emotional well-being of the people affected. In the academic year 2018-19, it was part of an interdisciplinary Platform for People Affected by Mortgages-Terres de l'Ebre (PAH TE), the URV's Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and the URV's Bachelor's Degree in Social Education, and was carried out in the framework of the final degree project. The students carried out qualitative fieldwork, mainly participant observation in the PAH assemblies in the region and in-depth interviews with the people affected, in order to reveal the social problems behind the individual cases. Similarly, the study reported how PAH works as a community movement of support and emotional accompaniment to the people affected.

Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Development of a practical guide to healthy habits for people with intellectual disabilities

  • Coordination: Lina Cristina Casadó Marín (linacristina.casado(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: La Tutela. Catalan private guardianship foundation for the mentally handicapped and the elderly.
  • Summary: This is an interdisciplinary project involving the Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing carried out in the 2018-19 academic year, developed within the framework of the final degree project. The objective was to draw up a practical guide of healthy habits for people with intellectual disabilities who are under public guardianship but living independently. The students engaged in joint fieldwork that involved interviewing and observing two users of the organization with the aim of detecting what they understood by a healthy diet and healthy habits. Under the supervision of the people in charge of the Foundation, they developed a practical and comprehensive guide to healthy habits, designed with this specific group in mind. Finally, they designed and developed a workshop so that the users of the Foundation could put into practice the materials if they were ever to live independently.

Bachelor’s thesis: My sexuality: Towards Self-Determination

  • Coordination: Martín Correa-Urquiza Vidal (martin.correaurquizav(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat; marthuc(ELIMINAR)@yahoo.com) i Mª Dolors Burjalés Martí (mdolors.burjales(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: La Tutela. Catalan private foundation for the protection of people with mental disabilities and the elderly.
  • Summary: This project stems from the 5th URV Social Projects Marketplace and was carried out during the academic year 2019-2020. The objective was to design a participatory intervention that analyses how functional diversity can affect sexuality, and how sexuality is dealt with and approached by institutions. Students designed the instruments for analysing and collecting the data, and generated an analytic corpus that sheds light on the problems arising from the invisibility of sexuality in people with functional diversity. Students contacted the institution, connected with people with functional diversity, and generated a space to reflect and take action with them.


Final Bachelor’s Degree Project: Lunch in company: food and quality of life of the elderly

  • Coordination: Mª Antònia Martorell Poveda (mariaantonia.martorell(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Gran Activa - Tarragona Municipal Institute of Social Services.
  • Summary: The study analyzes the social dynamics of older people at lunch time in order to design interventions that improve quality. The research focuses on understanding the impact that having lunch in company has on people. Although the work was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the results show that projects such as this one respond to the needs of the elderly, not only at the physiological level, but also at the social and psychological level.

Final Bachelor's Degree Project: Consumption of toxics by young people in a CRAE

  • Coordination: Isabel Font Jiménez (mariaisabel.font(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Residential Center d'Acció Educativa - CRAE Voramar.
  • Summary: The paper addresses the lifestyle of adolescents living in the CRAE from the point of view of the professionals who work there: drug use, inappropriate behaviors, risky sex, mental health problems and emotional problems. We highlight two priority issues in which nursing may intervene: lack of socio-affective education and lack of adherence to mental health treatment. This study is a multidisciplinary contribution, that understands nursing as a link between professionals, whom it can provide with a holistic view thanks to its proximity and humanity in care, observation and communication skills. Secondly, it aims to make visible a group unknown to most of the population that does not work in the child protection system. This work aims to awaken the empathetic and humanized attitude during the practice of care.

Bachelor's thesis: Benefits for people who are part of an organisation that works with community mental health

  • Coordination: Maria Teresa Royo Iglesias (mariteresa.royo(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Club Social "La Muralla" (La Muralla Social Club)
  • Summary: The objective of this service learning project was to observe a social service designed for a community of people suffering from a mental-health disorder. During the academic year 2022-2023, students helped to bring into the open all the work done by the Club with all its members and how it affects the health of the community as a whole.