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Service Learning Experiences in the Degree in History of Art

Heritage and society

  • Coordination: Anna Maria Isabel Serra (annaisabel.serra(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Community organizations:
    • Academic year 2013-14: Alcover Town Council, Col·lectiu de Dones d'Alcover (Alcover Women's Group), Centre de Dia d'Alcover (Alcover Day Centre), Casal Els Amics d'Alcover (Friends of Alcover Community Centre)
    • Academic year 2014-15: Col·lectiu d'àvies del Serrallo (Serallo Grandmothers' Association).
    • Academic year 2015-16: Associació de Dones Ganxetes (Ganxetes Women's Association), Fundació Catalunya - La Pedrera (Catalunya Foundation - La Pedrera), Gent Gran Activa (Active Elderly People).
  • Summary:
  • This service learning experience took place during the 2013-14 academic year on two different courses: the old Licentiate in Art History and the Bachelor's Degree in Art History, which hosted the experience up to the 2015-2016 academic year. The students spoke to the elderly men and women in order to prepare different interviews. The aim of the interviews was to recover historical memory by revealing and understanding the work that the elderly had carried out in towns and neighbourhoods. The students got to know what life was like many years ago and what it was like during local festivals, and they gained new insights into food and ways of thinking in days gone by. With the material provided by the elderly people (old photographs or graphic material), the students prepared exhibitions open to all.

  • More information can be found by listening to Tarragona Ràdio