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Service Learning Experiences in Chemical Engineering

Bachelor's thesis - Project to optimise a wastewater treatment plant

  • Coordination: Jordi Gavaldà Casado (jordi.gavalda(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Ajuntament de Bellmunt del Priorat (Bellmunt del Priorat Town Council)
  • Summary: For the bachelor's thesis in Chemical Engineering, students were able to choose a project with real implications while offering a service to the community. In this case, the Bellmunt de Priorat Town Council proposed a project involving the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of the treatment plant of the municipality. During the academic year 2013-2014 and under the tutorship of a lecturer of the department, students carried out a construction project (within the field of chemical engineering) to optimise the wastewater treatment plant of the village.