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Service Learning Experiences in the Bachelor’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Community Practicum

  • Coordination: Victoria Arija (victoria.arija(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Communitary organizations: Schools and civic centers in the city of Reus.
  • Summary: This programme involves the design, preparation and implementation of activities to promote health at home and at school in the town of Reus. The students reflect on the need to educate the public in health matters and improve the quality of life of the general public. The programme's activities are put into practice in the classroom and then presented at various locations in Reus.

Optional Practicum

  • Coordination: Rosa Solà (rosa.sola(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Communitary organizations: Schools and civic centers in the city of Reus.
  • Summary: Fourth-year students on the Bachelor's Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and the Bachelor's Degree of Physiotherapy carried out various service learning activities with more than 4,000 boys and girls in schools and civic centres of Reus during the 2015-2016 academic year. Through these activities, the URV students learn how to transmit health information and therefore improve quality of life in the general population. All the activities are aimed at young people with the intention of preventing common health problems in the adult population such as obesity and lower back pain. During the students discuss specific topics such as healthy alternatives, the importance of healthy eating habits, which foods make up a healthy meal, and the correct postures when performing different daily activities. These activities have been carried out since the 2012-2013 academic year with the collaboration of the Reus City Council and various schools and civic centres in the city.
  • You can listen to the experience in Tarragona Radio

Final Degree Project - Health promotion at schools

  • Coordination: Victoria Arija (victoria.arija(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Communitary organizations: Schools and civic centers in the city of Reus.
  • Summary: After completing the course entitled "Community Practicum" the academic year 2015-16, students could chose to conduct a service learning final project on the promotion of health.
  • Coordination: Rosa Solà (rosa.sola(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Communitary organizations: Schools and civic centers in the city of Reus.
  • SummaryAfter completing the course entitled "Community Practicum" the academic year 2015-16, students could chose to conduct a service learning final project on the promotion of health.

Final Degree Project - Project on eating habits

  • Coordination: Núria Aranda Pons (nuria.aranda(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Communitary organization: Tarragona Down Syndrome Association.
  • Summary: This study arose from the 2nd edition of the Social Projects Marketplace, held in Tarragona. The project was carried out by a group of four students in the framework of their final project the academic year 2015-16. The students collaborated with the association with the purpose of detecting and prevent eating problems and obesity. Nutritional education was provided for the members of the association and visual and tactile material was created to help foster good eating habits. During the implementation of the project a high prevalence of overweight and obesity was detected in the group, in addition to a low quality in the diet and a sedentary behavior. The nutritional education program adapted to the group helped to improve the knowledge about healthy eating, measured through the evaluation of the different sessions. In addition, the material developed and used in each session will remain in the collaborating center, so that it can be used when educational staff, who were also present in the activity, believe it convenient.

Final Degree Project - Guidelines on healthy habits for people with intellectual disability

  • Coordination: Núria Guillen Rey (nuria.guillen(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Communitary organization: La Tutela Foundation.
  • Summary: This was a joint interdisciplinary end-of-degree project between the URV's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and the degree in Nursing of the academic year 2018-19. The aim of the project was to draw up guidelines on healthy habits for people with intellectual disabilities who are under public supervision but who have or may soon have a certain degree of autonomy. Students conduct joint fieldwork comprising open interviews and observations with two patients of the Foundation in order to ascertain what they understand by a healthy diet and healthy habits. They drew up practical and user-friendly guidelines on healthy habits for this specific group under the supervision of Foundation staff. They also prepared and leaded a workshop intended to put into practice the contents of the materials with the patients of the Foundation who are likely to become more autonomous.