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What is Service-Learning?

  • Service Learning (hereinafter SL) is an educational program that combines learning processes and community service in a single project, so that it becomes a tool for training of students. Its main objective is to train socially responsible professionals, along with content learning, skills and abilities of each qualification, develops civic and social commitment from reflective practice. It is a proposal that has a big impact on education, as it allows university students to develop their social involvement with the territory, while carrying out their university studies.

Fotos de diferents projectes d'APS

Framework Document

The Framework Document on Service-Learning was approved by the Governing Council on February 23, 2012.

On February 26, 2015, the Governing Council approved the update of the Action Plan for the 2015-2017 period.

Service-Learning in the University Context

In the International Context

  • Campus Compact (USA): Campus Compact is a national coalition of over 1,100 college and university presidents, representing about 6 million students committed to achieving the civic and social goals of Higher Education. It promotes community public service that develops ethical competence and social responsibility as a citizen of the student body; helps campuses establish effective links with the community; and provides resources and training to help faculty integrate community and society-based learning into the curriculum.
  • National Service-Learning Clearinghouse (USA): Supports the Service-Learning community in higher education, preschools, primary and secondary education, community-based organizations, and others interested in strengthening the ties between schools and communities through Service-Learning.
  • Canadian Alliance for Community Service-Learning: Supports, trains, and creates networks to ensure the effective implementation of Service-Learning in Canada. Its goal is for students, educators, and communities to learn and work together to strengthen individuals and society.
  • The Talloires Network: An international network promoting civic and social responsibilities in higher education, comprising over 300 universities from 77 countries worldwide. The Rovira i Virgili University has been part of this network since January 2013. Being a part of this network offers opportunities for collaboration and the exchange of best practices with other socially committed higher education institutions, enabling the continuous development and growth of the program.
  • European Association of Service-Learning in Higher Education (EASLHE): A prominent European network of Service-Learning, formed by members committed to values such as social justice, civic responsibility, social engagement, intercultural knowledge, ethical reasoning, lifelong learning, cultural awareness, tolerance, and diversity. This association is recognized for its ability to support the institutionalization of Service-Learning in European higher education institutions, contributing to the development of a more just society.
  • Aurora European Universities Alliance: Aurora is a consortium of universities that are significant in research, deeply committed to the social impact of their actions, and involved with the communities in their territories. Aurora's activities began in 2016 with the general vision of influencing social change through academic excellence and research. Other key priorities of Aurora are promoting diversity and inclusion, as well as engaging students to lead innovation processes in teaching and learning. The Service-Learning program of the URV network became part of this alliance in 2019.

In the Context of Spain

  • Spanish Service-Learning Network (Red Española de Aprendizaje Servicio): Created in 2010 as a collaboration space between educational institutions, social action organizations, and professionals who, in various fields and Autonomous Communities, have been promoting Service-Learning (ApS) for years
  • Red ApS(U): The Red ApS(U) is an inter-university initiative, launched by the ICE (Institute of Educational Sciences) of the University of Barcelona in 2010. It is now active in universities across Spain and holds an annual meeting to exchange experiences in university-level Service-Learning. From January 25 to 27, 2023, the Red ApS(U)Cat organized the XI National Congress and V International Congress on University Service-Learning in Barcelona.

In the Catalan Context

  • Service-Learning Promotion Center (Centre Promotor d'Aprenentatge Servei): The Service-Learning Promotion Center is a space that generates initiatives and brings together actions aimed at facilitating and strengthening Service-Learning (ApS) projects at all educational levels.
  • Service-Learning Network of Catalan Universities - ApS(U)Cat: In July 2015, the Service-Learning Network of Catalan Universities, ApS(U)Cat, was established with the goal of exchanging experiences and building knowledge regarding the promotion, implementation, evaluation, and institutionalization of Service-Learning within the context of Catalan universities. On July 10, 2017, the 2nd Meeting of the Network was held at the Rovira i Virgili University. From January 25 to 27, 2023, the ApS(U)Cat Network organized the XI National Congress and V International Congress on University Service-Learning in Barcelona.

Service-Learning (ApS) in Numbers

  Academic year 2011-12 Academic year 2012-13 Academic year 2013-14 Academic year 2014-15 Academic year 2015-16 Academic year 2016-17 Academic year 2017-18 Academic year 2018-19 Academic year 2019-20 Academic year 2020-21 Academic year 2021-22 Academic year 2022-23 Academic year 2023-24
Subjects where Service-Learning (ApS) is implemented 13 28 49 76 76 77 82 66 56 40 42 46 41
Different Projects  14 38 56 82 94 83 97 68 83 58 82 85 92
Involved Centers 4 7 9 10 11 9 9 10 10 9 11 10 11
Degree Programs Involved 10 17 26 33 28 26 24 26 23 26 26 24 26
Bachelor's Degrees/Double Degrees 8 13 20 27 24 20 19 20 16 21 20 19 20
Master's Degrees 2 4 6 6 4 6 5 6 6 5 4 4 5
Doctoral Program - - - - - - - 1 1 1 2 1 1
Involved Students 181 265 477 769 833 799 919 860 783 515 518 939 946
Involved Faculty 23 40 85 93 98 93 92 98 87 55 68 77 76
Social Entities (recipients of the service provided by the students) 31 31 90 118 141 150 137 147 121 65 84 119 144
Student Service Hours 2.675 30.247 53.445 80.693 86.815 86.887 92.890 83.093 74.424 57.764 61.733 91.128 96.744

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