Technical Bureau of the Office of the General Manager
The bureau's mission is to promote continuous improvement in the administration of the university by providing technical support for the Office of the General Manager in the ambits of organization and processes, budgetary management, and human resources development for administrative and services staff.
- Technical Bureau of the Office of the General Manager
- Edifici del Rectorat
C. de l'Escorxador, s/n
43003 – Tarragona - gtg(ELIMINAR)
Organization and processes
- Cristina Salvadó Baza
- 977 55 8469
- cristina.salvado(ELIMINAR)
- Albert Fabregat Membrado
- 977 55 8377
- albert.fabregat(ELIMINAR)
Human resources planning and organization
- Blanca Gómez Urzaiz
- 977 55 6588
- blanca.gomez(ELIMINAR)
- Mireia Alberich Gallofré
- 977 55 6588
- mireia.alberich(ELIMINAR)
- Sara Gimeno Vila
- 977 55 8691
- sara.gimeno(ELIMINAR)
Financial and budgetary planning
- Laura Cabré Pasano
- 977 25 7885
- laura.cabre(ELIMINAR)
- Sergi Bosque Rosich
- 977 25 7885
- sergi.bosque(ELIMINAR)
Purchasing Office
- David Garcia Baiges
- 977 55 8245
- david.garcia(ELIMINAR)
- Esther Ferrando Marimón
- 977 55 8467
- esther.ferrando(ELIMINAR)