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Induction Plan for Managerial, Administration and Service Staff

Teaching structures

Faculties/schools and departments. The URV is structured in faculties or schools and departments, in addition to other units.

The faculties or schools are responsible for the degrees and for guaranteeing teaching quality. They also set course dates and timetables, and coordinate bachelor's degrees and master's degrees.

The departments are responsible for the teaching and research staff (PDI) and they deliver the teaching commissioned by the faculties or schools and the students are also assessed.

The PDI (teaching and research staff) are assigned to a department as a part of their contractual relationship with the URV and, at the same time, belong to the faculty/school where they teach.

The head of department is the immediate superior of the teaching staff in the first instance and is responsible for assigning teaching duties.

Contact details of all departments

In the following list you will find the links to all the departments, faculties, schools and other areas of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili:

If you would like to get to know all these parts of the URV, feel free to pay an online visit to the campuses.