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POSTHUMANLY SPEAKING - I Edition of the international video creation contest AI+

Aula de Cinema i ArtsAudiovisuals of Universitat Rovira i Virgili (ACiAA), along with Mèdol - Centre d'ArtsContemporànies of Tarragona, Plataforma Arte y Medios (Art and Media Platform , PAM) and the Media Arts Biennial of Santiago de Chile, summon the I International Video creation Contest "Posthumanly Speaking" around, through, and beyond artificial intelligence (AI+).



From June 1 to July 15th

1.Thematic lines

The "Posthumanly Speaking" video creation contest is organized based on three thematic lines regarding on AI as a reference framework, in:

  • A: Human-animal relationship

Immersed in the Anthropocene era, voices emerge from different sensibilities appealing to a gaze that returns us to a horizontality place respecting to the non-humans with whom we collaborate in the world creation. In this context, our relationship and collaboration with other species, their rights defense or the study of non-human intelligences contrasts with images of hatcheries or farms where the supremacy of humans - and the perspective of animals as mere entities at the service of our well-being - seems not to have been put in check.

This line seeks, among other issues, to explore these contradictions and imagine possible futures for caring for the world and multi-species coexistence.

  • B: Technologies for care

Care networks, repair practices, fixes and materially hybrid arrangements: bodies interwoven with devices and objects, with nature and with other living beings that make life possible. Care, a feminized practice, has always tended towards invisibility. This bias remains, although today, part of the population receives care mediated by artificial intelligence that comes to life in mobile environments, tablets, portable devices of various types and even robots, humanoid or not. The care frameworks integrate new entities -the AIs-, and with them, a series of ethical, geopolitical and economic debates.

Technologies and care intertwine in multiple ways; the purpose of this line is to approach and/or speculate about some of them.

  • C: Fictions of the self and self-representations

The emergence of technical possibilities adopted on a large scale to modify our modes of self-representation - and their dissemination - has multiplied the options of an ancient game: who - or who - do we want to become? In how many different ways can we perform our bodies before the scrutinizing gaze of others?

In an era marked by the search for total control of our image, and the difficulty in discerning "what is real", this line seeks to explore the various dimensions of self-representation in its intersection, convergence and divergence with AI.

2.Terms and conditions

2.1. This contest, dedicated to short-term video creation, is aimed at audiovisual works designed to be presented on a single screen (i.e. single-channel works). This category includes works recognized in the field of video art, experimental video and animation, documentary essays, and/or various non-traditional audiovisual genres. 

2.2. Works may have been generated and/or post-produced by automatic content generation, or by any other technique.

2.3. Works must be original and respect the copyright of third parties. They can be produced in any language, but if it's not in Spanish, Catalan or English, they must be subtitled in one of those three languages.

2.3. Works cannot exceed the 12 minutes long (including credits, if any) and must be presented in a viewing link that the authors or groups agree to keep active until the contest is resolved. The link can be hidden. Other formats and qualities may be requested from the winning short films.

2.4. Each person can present a maximum of one (1) short film in each of the proposed lines. Presenting a short film as part of a collective, excludes the possibility of presenting a second one individually (and vice versa) in the same thematic line. If it's detected that more than one work has been sent, only the first one will be considered valid.

2.5. The presentation of audiovisual works in this contest doesn't exclude that they may have been exhibited in other festivals or contexts, or even have been previously awarded. The works cannot have been produced before January 1st, 2020.


3.1. Individuals or groups of any nationality and country of residence may participate in the contest.

3.2. The call will remain open until July 15th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (GMT+1 time).

3.3. Works must be registered using a form that can be accessed at this link which will serve to provide the following information:


  • Name(s) and surname(s) or Name of the group (+ representative)
  • Contact information: phone and email
  • City/country of residence
  • Optional: Website and/or networks
  • Biography(ies): 1,500 characters
  • Photo(s) portrait of authors (300 dpi 1920x1080)


  • Title
  • Duration
  • Date issue
  • Source format (e.g. analog video, digital, etc.).
  • Work description, including creative concept and execution technique (2,000 characters maximum)
  • 3 frames or representative images (300 dpi 1920x1080)
  • Link. The works must be sent digitally through a viewing and/or download link. It's  the authors responsibility to send the links correctly, and must ensure that they remain active during the evaluation time. It's suggested to upload material to a private viewing link or with a download option (Vimeo, Dropbox, YouTube, etc.).

4.Awards, exhibition and other use licenses

4.1. The following prizes will be awarded:

  • €500 prize for the best audiovisual work in the human-animal relationship line.
  • €500 prize for best audiovisual work in the care technologies line.
  • €500 prize for best audiovisual work in the fictions of the self and self-representations line.
  • Special prize of €300 for best audiovisual work produced by students or former students of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, or groups that include at least one student or former student member of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

4.2. The prizes cannot be cumulative.

4.3. The prizes may be void if the jury so deems it. The jury's decision will be final and unappealable.

4.4. The financial prizes will be subject to the corresponding withholdings of each country and will be made by transfer to the bank account provided by the winning person or group.

4.5. The winning pieces will be projected at Mèdol - the Center d'Arts Contemporànies de Tarragona and will be broadcasted through physical and digital channels that the convening institutions consider appropriate. Likewise, they may become part of the programming of the Media Arts Biennial of Santiago de Chile 2025, to be exhibited in person or in completely online formats, which will be determined among the Biennial curatorial team, of as well as the exhibitions spaces associated with it.

4.6.  The authors of the selected short films grant, just by the fact of participating in the call, authorization to the Rovira i Virgili University, to Mèdol - Center d'Arts Contemporànies de Tarragona, PAM - Plataforma Arte y Medios and to the Chilean Corporation of Video and Electronic Arts the right to reproduce, publish, translate and communicate to the public the pieces taking part in the selection, for non-profit dissemination purposes; authorization that is granted without temporal or territorial limit. The selected works may be exhibited for free in future editions and activities related to the "Posthumanly Speaking" contest of these institutions. If another use is required, this must be authorized by the work authors or their representatives.

4.7. The people or groups that are selected grant from now on, and just by participating in the call, authorization for their pieces to become part of the archive of the Rovira i Virgili University, and the Chilean Corporation of Video and Electronic Arts for its preservation and consultation.

5.Selection and jury

5.1. The convening institutions will make a first selection of the works, which will be part of each thematic line and which will be presented to the Competition jury.

5.2. The jury will be made up of five members: (1) a member designated by the Cinema and Audiovisual Arts Classroom of the URV, (2) a member designated by the Art and Media Platform (PAM), (3) a member designated by Mèdol - Center d'Arts Contemporàneas de Tarragona, (4) a member appointed by the Media Arts Biennial of Santiago de Chile and (5) a person linked to the world of audiovisual production and festivals, who will act as jury president.

If during the evaluation development occurs any incompatibility, inability or fact that reduces the impartiality of a jury member, he or she must refrain from evaluating the short film in question, and will be informed to the jury president or, failing that, to the secretary, and it will be registered. in the respective record.

In the case that the decision is not unanimous, the jury president will decide the award.

The jury's decision will be accompanied by a final record, signed by all members of the jury, which will register the agreements and the winning works, as well as a brief report on the decisión.

The list of winning videos will be published on the website of the Cinema and Audiovisual Arts Classroom of the URV.

6.Rights and duties of the participants

6.1.  Under no circumstances will be accepted into the competition works that do not respect human rights or democratic values, or that contain offensive or disrespectful content towards individuals or groups.

6.2.  Those who compete are responsible for ensuring that there are no rights to third parties for the use of musical pieces in the works presented, nor any claim for image rights of the people who appear in them; exempting the convening institutions from any liability derived from plagiarism or any other transgression of current legislation that any of the participants in the award or the participants in the shorts may incur.

6.3 Those who compete give to the convening institutions the exhibition rights detailed in points 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 of this submission, which will always be exercised with the recognition of authorship, unless expressly stated.

6.4. Participation in this contest implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions.

6.5. No short film selected to be part of the contest may be withdrawn from it.


Taking part in this contest assumes that the rules are fully accepted. Any doubt about the interpretation of these rules or any incident that occurs during the call, must be resolved by the competition jury, whose decisions are final.

In everything these bases aren't  expressly provided for, apply the precepts contained in Law 26/2010, of August 3, on the legal and procedural regime of Catalonia Public Administration, and Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the common administrative procedure of public administrations.


For any questions regarding these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, you can contact aula.cinema.urv(ELIMINAR)@gmail.com