Xarxa Oberta: Wifi URV
The Universitat Rovira i Virgili makes available to its university community the service of Xarxa Oberta, consisting of the possibility of accessing from the laptop owned by the user to different services and electronic resources of this university, and by Internet extension.
This service allows the connection to the University network (Eduroam or CRAI-URV), through a WiFi communication, and supports the main versions of the operating systems currently present in personal computers.
The service of Xarxa Oberta will be defined at all times by the conditions established in these regulations. The use of the service implies the knowledge and the implicit and unconditional acceptance of each and every one of these conditions.
Rovira i Virgili University may introduce such modifications as it deems appropriate in the provision of this service, including cancellation, without the user being able to claim any responsibility for the damages caused by them. In any case, the modifications will be communicated before their application through channels that ensure the maximum diffusion between the users of the service (usually by electronic mail).
The WiFi network is not intended to extend the range of the wired local area network of the University, since not all resources or network services accessible from the wired network are also from the WiFi network. The users of the WiFi network basically can access the Internet, the public resources of the University and the private resources that offer service to the different groups of the university community.
There are 2 SSID of connection within the University:
Eduroam: is the main SSID, and in all the University Campus is visible. All PDI, PAS, FURV-PAS and Students URV and FURV> 6 months have access to this network with the same credentials of access to computers, which are:
user_code@urv.cat where the user_code is your nif, nie, passport and the password is the corporate password.
CRAI-URV: is the specific SSID that is only visible to CRAI of the University. The groups of Iubilo, Alumni, Friends and Friends, the students and staff of affiliated centers EUSES, CESDA, ESIC, IGEMA and the users of the agreement with the Diputación de Tarragona, have access to the same credentials of access to the computers, which are:
user_code@urv.cat where the user_code is your nif, nie, passport and the password is the corporate password.
Responsibilities of the University
The Rovira i Virgili University, as an institution providing this service, will be responsible for supervising compliance with its usage regulations by all users, and will have the power to sanction its non-compliance.
The Rovira i Virgili University will not be responsible in any case for the use that the user can make of this service, even if it could contravene the current legislation, or be contrary to good faith or good customs, or to advocate for uncivil actions Or socially reprehensible.
Likewise, Rovira i Virgili University will be exempt from all liability arising from acts of intrusion or fraudulent modification of information by the user or third parties, as well as any action that violates the privacy and secrecy of communications.
In all cases, the Rovira i Virgili University reserves the right to exercise the actions it deems appropriate against any person or entity that, by its action or omission, damages its interests or its image.
User Responsibilities
The user will be responsible for all the effects of the equipment of his property, both from the point of view of his physical security and the provision of the corresponding licenses of the installed software. Likewise, it will be responsible for the eventual dysfunctionalities that may occur in its equipment derived from its actions in the use of this service.
Access to the service requires the identification of the user by a private code and a secret key. The secret code may be modified by the user as many times as it deems necessary to ensure the privacy and security of its access. In general, it is advisable to avoid using public data such as DNI, date of birth, email address, etc. This identification is personal and non-transferable, and the user will be solely responsible for all actions taken from your email account.
In addition, the user will be solely responsible to the competent authorities in case of violation of the general regulations of the Rovira y Virgili University, the applicable national and international legislative and juridical framework, as well as the norms of behavior accepted by the user community of Internet.
Specifically, and in connection with this service, the user undertakes to:
- Make use in accordance with these regulations, good faith and good customs
- Ensure the security of your access, keeping the secret of personal identification.
- Respect the privacy of communications.
- Avoid disseminating content protected by intellectual property without the express authorization of the owners of the rights or other content that may harm the honor and image of individuals or institutions.
- Use the service for the purpose for which it has been created, renouncing to incorporate it as a tool for commercial, business or other activities.
- Do not perform any action that may be annoying or intentionally harmful to users or entities present on the Internet.
Configuration Guides
To configure the Wi-Fi service you must access the configurator link from your device.
If you want to manually configure your device, the parameters to be able to configure your device manually safely are:
SSID: eduroam
Security: 802.1x - WPA2-Enterprise
Supported authentication type: PEAP - MSCHAPv2
Link to install the certificate : URV_CA
Authentication server : radius.urv.cat
Domain: urv.cat
Anonymous identity: anonymous_2022250700@urv.cat
Enter your username and then the domain @urv.cat (for example: 12345678-A@urv.cat)
If after following the steps of the Configuration Guides you can not access the University's Wireless Network, please send an email to suport.xarxaoberta@urv.cat at the following address:
- Nif / Nie / Passport
- Full name
- Birthdate
- Street and City
- Telephone contact
- Contact email address
- Reason / problem