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URV Code of Good Research Practices

The URV has created its Code of good practices in research, training in research, development and innovation of Universitat Rovira i Virgili, which is widely used by research staff to provide guidelines for achieving excellence in research and which includes a wide range of recommendations on ethical issues. One of the functions of the Ethics Committee for Integrity in RDI (CEIR) is to ensure compliance with this code.

Its main objectives are: 

  • Improve the quality, productivity and competitiveness of research carried out in all areas.
  • Establish mechanisms to guarantee compliance with current legislation and the principles of social responsibility and efficiency in the use of resources.
  • Promote the adoption throughout the University of good practices in the realization, management and communication of research following the criteria established in external audits and evaluations.
  • Promote the acquisition of good scientific practices from the training stage of researchers.

See the following section