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Joan Oró FI grants to hire research staff in training (FI 2025)

  • AGAUR website 
  • Resolution ot the competition   
    • Regulatory bases of the call
    • Conditions of the competition  
    • Frequent questions (FAQS FI 2025) 
    • On-line application form 
  • Application ammendments
    • List of documentation required to be amended
      • Publication date: 
      • Deadline admendments: 
    • Final list of admitted applications 
      • Publication date: 
  • Evaluation
    • Prioritization criteria
    • Occupation level of research personnel in training of research groups 
    • Candidate prioritization table 
      • Provisional
        • Publication date: 
        • Dead Line amendments: 
      • Definitive
        • Publication date: 
  • Resolution of FI 2025 award

Financed By:


This programme is financed by European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)