Alfonsina Abat Amelenan Torimtubun

PhD Programme: Technologies for Nanosystems, Bioengineering and Energy
Research group: NEPHOS – NanoElectronic and PHOtonic Systems
Supervisors: Lluís Marsal Garví & Josep Pallarès Marzal
Alfonsina obtained her bachelor in Department of Chemical Engineering at University of Brawijaya, Indonesia (2011 to 2015), then she earned a scholarship to continue her Master degree in Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at National Central University (2015-2017). During her MSc, she worked in the research project which is directed toward understanding the charge transport mechanism in the organic semiconductor at a molecular level, especially for the charge transport in n-type organic thin film transistor (OTFTs). By collaborating with Department of Chemistry at National Central University, National Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan University and Northwestern University USA, they have successfully synthesized the new type of n-type organic semiconductor materials based small molecules with the highest electron mobility that can be achieved of up to 0.77 cm2/Vs. After her MSc, she worked as a lecturer in Chemical Engineering Department at Institut Teknologi Kalimantan, Indonesia. During her work as a lecturer, she have been involved in the green and sustainable perovskite solar cell research project and they won some research fundings based on this project. Nowadays, she is working as a PhD student at NePhos group to study the development of organic solar cells and she is part of the project in collaboration with the other university in Spain.
Project: Binary to ternary blends: efficient and stable organic solar cells for versatile applications
Conventional organic solar cells (OSCs) are typically based on blends of electron-donor materials and fullerene-based electron-acceptors materials in the bulk heterojunctions (BHJs) architecture device. In this work, they use phthalocyanines derivatives as a new non-fullerene (NF) small molecules materials and new electron transport layer material. The use of NF materials allow the NF-OSCs to achieve better absorption properties and better chemical and thermal stability compared to those fullerene-OSCs counterparts. Furthermore, they are also investigating the ternary system of OSCs to gain the insights into the materials selection, the mechanism of charge carrier mobility and charge recombination in the ternary system of organic solar cells (OSCs). Ternary organic solar cell is a promising method to improve the device performance OSCs by adding a third component into a binary system. In a ternary blend, the third components not only provide a broadened light harvesting and optimizing the film morphology, but also facilitating exciton dissociation and charge transport. As a consequence, it is improving the device performance of OSCs, i.e., the fill factor (FF), short-circuit current density (Jsc), open-circuit voltage (Voc) and power conversion efficiency (PCE).
Open Access publications
- J. G. Sánchez, A. A. A. Torimtubun, V. S. Balderrama, M. Estrada, J. Pallarès and L. F. Marsal, “Effects of Annealing Temperature on the Performance of Organic Solar Cells Based on Polymer: Non-Fullerene Using V2O5 as HTL”, IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 8, pp. 421-428, 2020. View full-text
- A. A. A. Torimtubun, J. G. Sánchez, J. Pallarès and L. F. Marsal, “Photostability Study of Inverted Polymer Solar Cells under AM 1.5G and LED Illumination via Impedance Spectroscopy”, IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 2020. View full-text
- Alfonsina Abat Amelenan Torimtubun,Maria Méndez,José G. Sánchez,Josep Pallarès, Emilio Palomaresand Lluis F. Marsal, “Shelf lifetime analysis of organic solar cells combining frequency and time resolved techniques”, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, Issue 24, 2021. View full-text
- PHD THESIS: Binary to Ternary Blends: Efficient and Stable Organic Solar Cells for Versatile Applications
- Método de Tratamiento Pre-Térmico para Dispositivos Fotovoltaicos, E. Moustafa, J. Pallarès, L. F. Marsal, J. G. Sánchez and A. A. A. Torimtubu. Spanish patent, submitted.
Outreach activities
- European Researchers' Night 2019: “El grafè: un material meravellós”
- European Researchers' Night 2020: “The solar revolution”.
- Tarragona Radio interview, 2022: "Researchers apply a new methodology for the study of organic solar cells shelf-lifetime degradation".
International secondment
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia. 3 months (2021).
Awards & Prizes
- Best ePoster Presentation Prize, in the “International Conference on NFA-Based Organic Solar Cells”, sponsored by ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021.
- Best ePoster Presentation Prize, in the “nanoGe international Conference. Fall Meeting”, sponsored by ACS Photonics, 2021.
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Researchers apply a new methodology for the study of organic solar cells shelf-lifetime degradation