Babajide Muritala

PhD Programme: Economics and Business
Research group: ECGESTUR – Economia i Gestió del Sector Turístic
Supervisors: Maria Victòria Sánchez Rebull & Ana Beatriz Hernández Lara
Babajide has a bachelor's degree in Engineering from the University of Ibadan (Nigeria) and a master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Nottingham (Malaysia campus). His master's dissertation was titled “Sentiment Analysis of Restaurant Reviews in Malaysia”, and formed a central part of a conference paper presented at the Global Marketing Conference in Tokyo in July 2018. His research interest lies in using data mining and analytics to answer business questions to provide useful insights and improve decision making.
Project: Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and customer opinions in hospitality and tourism
The hospitality industry is growing rapidly around the world, and is an important economic sector in many countries including Spain, France, etc. The performance and profitability in this economic sector has been analyzed in the literature from different perspectives. The focus of previous research on these variables has been addressed in analyzing the impact of some characteristics and strategies as size, employees, financial ratios, quality, types of management, customer satisfaction, among others. Performance and profitability in hospitality has also been a focus of interest for researchers and practitioners. Customer satisfaction has also been studied in the past in this sector because of its demonstrated influence on profitability, coupled with the interest and need of hotel management to improve it. Some researches have analysed customer satisfaction on the basis of opinions gathered from questionnaires answered directly by the customers in the hotel or by phone or other electronic means. Recently, some platforms (TripAdvisor,, etc.) have emerged to publish information about hotels and destinations. Customers report their opinions about their stay in the hotel or about their tourist experience on those platforms. These opinions could affect decisions of booking of other potential customers and consequently, revenues and profitability of the companies. Hotels are used to responding to these opinions, especially if they are negative, and these answers could also influence other customers. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze the potential impacts of these online opinion platforms on Spanish hotels' performance and profitability.
Open Access publications
- Muritala, B.A.; Sánchez-Rebull, M.-V.; Hernández-Lara, A.-B. A Bibliometric Analysis of Online Reviews Research in Tourism and Hospitality. Sustainability 2020, 12, 9977. View full-text
- Babajide Abubakr Muritala, Ana-Beatriz Hernández-Lara, Maria-Victoria Sánchez-Rebull, Alexandre Perera-Lluna. #CoronavirusCruise: Impact and implications of the COVID-19 outbreaks on the perception of cruise tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 41, 2022, 100948. View full-text
- Babajide Abubakr Muritala, Ana-Beatriz Hernández-Lara, Maria-Victoria Sánchez-Rebull. COVID-19 staycations and the implications for leisure travel, Heliyon 2022, 8, e10867. View full-text
- PHD THESIS: Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and customer opinions in hospitality and tourism
Outreach activities
- European Researchers' Night 2019: "Coneix el teu doble científic!".
Awards & Prizes
- First prize in the student category of the “Challenge Essay Award” of the Peter Drucker Forum, 2019.
International secondment
- Kore University of Enna, Italy. 3 months (2021).
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: PhD fellow Babajide Muritala obtains the first prize from the Drucker Challenge Essay Award on business
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: A dominant negative sentiment prevails in public perception towards the cruise industry during the COVID-19 outbreaks
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: La pandèmia ha consolidat el model de turisme a prop de casa