Bryan Saldivar Espinoza

PhD Programme: Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition
Research group: Cheminformatics and Nutrition
Supervisors: Gerard Pujadas Anguiano, Adrià Ceretó Massagué & Santiago Garcia Vallvé
Bryan Percy has a Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications engineering at Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, and a Master Degree in Technology and Innovation Management at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH). He has been working as a research assistant in the bioinformatics laboratory at UPCH during 2018. There he was working in the application of machine learning and computer vision for tuberculosis and anemia imaging diagnosis, and for counting stomata in plants. Previously, he was working as an entrepreneur in the development of a automatic hydrobiological species' classification using computer vision. Much earlier, he has worked as a technology watch consultant, providing reports about patents to companies.
Project: Integration of omic data for personalized nutrition
The goal of this project is to create a predictive model capable of suggesting the most suitable diet for patients/users given their health condition in order to keep or improve their health. To achieve this aim, data from a variety of types and sources will be integrated. Data from different omic sources (metabolomics, transcriptomics, etc) from varied sample types (urine, feces, blood, etc) and other patients'/users' information such as clinic data and eating habits.
Open Access publications
- Aleix Gimeno, Júlia Mestres-Truyol, María José Ojeda-Montes, Guillem Macip, Bryan Saldivar-Espinoza, Adrià Cereto-Massagué, Gerard Pujadas, and Santiago Garcia-Vallvé. Prediction of Novel Inhibitors of the Main Protease (M-pro) of SARS-CoV-2 through Consensus Docking and Drug Reposition. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020, 21 (11). View full-text
- Macip G, Garcia-Segura P, Mestres-Truyol J, Saldivar-Espinoza B, Ojeda-Montes MJ, Gimeno A, Cereto-Massagué A, Garcia-Vallvé S, Pujadas G. Haste makes waste: A critical review of docking-based virtual screening in drug repurposing for SARS-CoV-2 main protease (M-pro) inhibition. Med Res Rev. 2022 Mar;42(2):744-769. View full-text
- Macip G, Garcia-Segura P, Mestres-Truyol J, Saldivar-Espinoza B, Pujadas G, Garcia-Vallvé S. A Review of the Current Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitors: Have We Hit the Bullseye Yet? Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 27;23(1):259. View full-text
- Saldivar-Espinoza B, Macip G, Garcia-Segura P, Mestres-Truyol J, Puigbò P, Cereto-Massagué A, Pujadas G, Garcia-Vallvé S. Prediction of Recurrent Mutations in SARS-CoV-2 Using Artificial Neural Networks. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Nov 24;23(23):14683. View full-text
Outreach activities
- European Researchers’ Night 2019: “Coneix el teu doble científic!”.
Awards & Prizes
- Third place in the “4th Edition of the BBVA Data Challenge”, Peru, 2022.
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Two anti-inflammatory drugs found that inhibit the replication of the COVID-19 virus
- Diari Digital de la URV. Interview: "I aim to enable ways for the personalized medicine to be used for diseases related to nutrition"
- Horizon Results Platform: Prediction of novel inhibitors of the main protease (M-pro) of SARS-CoV-2 through consensus docking and drug reposition
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Un equip investigador de la URV aconsegueix predir mutacions del SARS-CoV-2 mitjançant xarxes neuronals artificials