Dimitrios Kioroglou

PhD Programme: Oenology and Biotechnology
Research grup: BIOTENOL - Biotecnologia Enològica
Supervisors: Albert Mas Barón & Maria del Carmen Portillo
Dimitrios Kioroglou has a Bachelor degree in Medical laboratory Technologist from Technological Educational Institute of Larissa (Greece), and because he was always interested in microbial communication, his Bachelor thesis was on “Exchange of bacterial genes and resistance to antibiotics”. Later on he was involved in various positions, in and out the biomedical sector, where finally he decided to do a Master in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, in Technical University of Denmark, where he acquired an extensive knowledge on computational analysis of the DNA. This interest in microbial communication urged his to pursue a PhD at the University Rovira i Virgili where he is studying, by applying bioinformatic analysis, the dynamics of microbial communities in the aging wine and their impact on the wine quality.
Project: Analysis of microbial populations in wines through NGS methodologies
Winemaking is a intricate process, involving various stages until the wine bottling and commercialization. During this process, the limited amount of nutrients leads to microbial competition, which in turn results in the production of metabolites that modulate the final wine product. This microbial activity may confer beneficial or undesirable organoleptic characteristics to the wine quality. The past years, the main focus has been given to the detection and monitoring of specific putative wine-spoiling microorganisms and the application of empirical methodologies for the prevention of unwanted microbial growth. Nevertheless, research findings have shown a multifactorial basis of the wine spoilage and underlined the need for an innovative strategy that will allow the study of the microbial diversity in its entirety. Next-generation-sequencing appears a suitable and promising approach for this purpose, as it seems able to overcome the limitations of conventional methodologies. In this work, various aspects associated to the NGS-based metataxonomic analysis have been studied, in relation to the performance of the NGS technology against conventional applications, and the establishment of a bioinformatic and statistical framework for the analysis of metataxonomic data.
Open Acess publications
- Kioroglou, D., LLeixá, J., Mas, A., & Portillo, M. D. C. (2018). Massive sequencing: a new tool for the control of alcoholic fermentation in wine?. Fermentation, 4(1), 7. View full-text
- Lleixà, J., Kioroglou, D., Mas, A., & del Carmen Portillo, M. (2018). Microbiome dynamics during spontaneous fermentations of sound grapes in comparison with sour rot and Botrytis infected grapes. International journal of food microbiology, 281, 36-46. View full-text
- Kioroglou, D., Mas, A., & Portillo, M. D. C. (2019). Evaluating the effect of QIIME balanced default parameters on metataxonomic analysis workflows with a mock community. Frontiers in microbiology, 10, 1084. View full-text
- Kioroglou, D., Kraeva-Deloire, E., Schmidtke, L. M., Mas, A., & Portillo, M. C. (2019). Geographical origin has a greater impact on grape berry fungal community than grape variety and maturation state. Microorganisms, 7(12), 669. View full-text
- Kioroglou, D., Mas, A., & Portillo, M. C. (2020). High-Throughput Sequencing Approach to Analyze the Effect of Aging Time and Barrel Usage on the Microbial Community Composition of Red Wines. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 2142. View full-text
- Kioroglou, D., Mas, A., & Portillo, M. C. (2020). Qualitative FactorBased Comparison of NMR, Targeted and Untargeted GC-MS and LCMS on the Metabolomic Profiles of Rioja and Priorat Red Wines. Foods, 9(10), 1381. View full-text
- PHD THESIS: Analysis of microbial populations in wines through NGS methodologies
International secondment
- Technical University of Denmark. 3 months (2018).
Outreach activities
- Science Week 2019, Escola Internacional del Camp: “Advancements in wine analysis”.
- Diari Digital de la URV. Interview: My work during my PhD was to implement and improve a new and promising methodology called Next-Generation-Sequencing
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Es presenta la primera tesi del programa Martí i Franquès COFUND