Edilene Pereira Andrade

PhD Programme: Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering
Research group: SUStainable Computer Aided Process Engineering
Supervisors: Laureano Jiménez Esteller (URV) & Assumpció Antón Vallejo (IRTA)
Edilene Pereira holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering, obtained in February 2016 from the Federal University of Ceará, in Brazil. During her university years, she has actively participated in a range of activities, encompassing study areas such environmental education, environmental impact assessment and waste management. She has also participated in an exchange programme at University of Jaén, having received the Science without Borders scholarship. Her thesis to graduate in Environmental Engineering was "Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogels to applicate in agriculture", developed in Embrapa Agroindustria Tropical in Brazil. During her graduation she did a Specialization course in Geoprocessing and analysis of water resources for one year and a half. To conclude this course, her thesis was developed applying the Method of Pfister et al. (2009) in watersheds in Ceara-Brazil, also with support from Embrapa. She completed her master's degree at the Federal University of Ceara, in the Civil Engineering Post-Graduation Program, with emphasis on Environmental Sanitation. This program has a maximum grade in the concept of the Ministry of Education of Brazil. The research she developed was focused on water scarcity, regionalizing characterization factors of the AWARE Model for the Brazilian Semiarid.
Project: Assessment of Environmental and Social Impacts Due to the Inclusion of Novel Solutions for Nutrient Recovery
Agriculture plays a major role when it becomes to food sustain, and there is a need to shift between an agri-food system aiming to increase productivity, to one built around the broader principles of sustainable agriculture, which established fairer modes of production and consumption. Several impacts can be addressed to agricultural practices, many of them not well discussed yet, thus assessing environmental and social impacts from the sector is essential towards sustainability in the food value chain. Currently, sustainable agriculture is more focused environmental problems related to the use of the environment, but to achieve sustainability in its essence, it is necessary to include social and economic impacts. Thus, this thesis is dedicated to assessing environmental and social impacts of novel technologies and solutions focused on nutrient recovery and recycling of nutrients in agriculture. To this end, the development of methodologies and set of indicators is proposed focusing on the main direct and indirect social and environmental issues in the sector. In addition, it is intended to assist end-users to prevent and mitigate, when it possible, potential environmental and social - impacts from the arable and livestock systems. Also, it was devoted some time developing a user-friendly approach to present social and environmental assessments for different stakeholders involved directly and indirectly in the sector. The final products are focused on agriculture, but they can be extended to other sectors following the proposal methodology.
Open Access publications
- Performance and environmental accounting of nutrient cycling models to estimate nitrogen emissions in agriculture and their sensitivity in life cycle assessment. View full-text
- Using the available indicators of potential biodiversity damage for Life Cycle Assessment on soybean crop according to Brazilian ecoregions. View full-text
- Selection and application of agri-environmental indicators to assess potential technologies for nutrient recovery in agriculture. View full-text
- Assessment of social aspects across Europe resulting from the insertion of technologies for nutrient recovery and recycling in agriculture. View full-text
- PHD THESIS: Assessment of environmental and social impacts due to the inclusion of novel solutions for nutrient recovery: towards sustainability in agriculture
International secondment
- University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 3 months (2020).
Outreach activities
- Pessics de Ciència 2019: “Conoce los descubrimientos más recientes sobre medio ambiente”.
- European Researchers’ Night 2019: “Ciència amb nom de dona”.
- #100tífiques Event 2021: “Dia Internacional de les Dones i les Nenes en la Ciència”.
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Researchers determine the most suitable model to estimate agricultural emissions
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Prop de vint investigadores de la URV participen en el Dia Internacional de les Dones i les Nenes en la Ciència
- Horizon Results Platform: A better estimate on nutrient emissions in air, soil and water is necessary and we have available tools for this purpose
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Researchers determine the most suitable agri-environmental indicators to assess potential technologies for nutrient recovery in agriculture