Faiz Ur Rahman

PhD Programme: Biomedicine
Research group: MICOLOGI - Unitat de Micologia i Microbiologia Ambiental
Supervisors: María José Figueras Salvat (URV) & Maria Dolors Furones Nozal (IRTA)
Faiz Ur Rahman did his graduation in Microbiology from University of Peshawar, in Pakistan, with the thesis “Antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from tertiary care hospitals of District Mardan and Swabi”. His Master's degree is in Microbiology from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, also in Pakistan. He worked on a reserach project entitled “Production and Characterization of antimicrobial compounds isolated from Marine Bacteria”. He has also served as Lecturer in University Institute for Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, in Pakistan.
Project: Potential impact of emerging bacterial pathogens on shellfish production
The European seafood industry, mainly mussels, oysters and clams, enjoys a privileged position on the world stage. Its social dimension is essential, since it employs a large number of people in rural areas. However, this sector has grown slower than other aquaculture sectors, mainly because it depends a lot on the environmental conditions and the appearance of diseases. Mortality events, linked to pathogenic organisms such as viruses, bacteria and parasites, tend to weaken the sustainability of production. This project will be under the umbrella of VIVALDI objectives that will not only provide new insights into the complex interactions between shellfish, environment and pathogens, but will also develop practical tools and approaches to better prevent and control pathogens affecting major European species of shellfish.
Open Access publications
- Rahman, F.U., Andree, K.B., Salas-Massó, N. et al. Improved culture enrichment broth for isolation of Arcobacter-like species from the marine environment. Sci Rep 10, 14547 (2020). View full-text.
International secondment
- Università Degli Studi Di Genova, Italy. 3 months (2020).