Florijan Jalsevac

PhD Programme: Nutrition and Metabolism
Research group: MOBIOFOOD – Bioactivitat Molecular dels Aliments
Supervisors: Anna Ardèvol Grau & Montserrat Pinent Armengol
Project: Ecnomotopic bitter taste receptors as targets for better health in the obesity or the ageing
Our hypothesis is that through an optimal stimulation of complementary specific taste receptors (TA2SR) at the gastrointestinal tract, it could be possible to produce the right combinations of enterohormones that help to adjust several of the metabolic disturbances linked to obesity and/or ageing. To prove this hypothesis, our main aim is to understand the relationship of the different ecnomotopic TAS2Rs with the metabolic status and their affectation by the ageing process in healthy people and the response to bariatric surgery in obese patients. To achieve this ambitious goal, we will work in the description of the relative presence of the differents TAS2R (25 in humans) in different human intestinal locations and their relationship with difficult situations induced by ageing and obesity. On detail, it would be addressed according to the next objectives:
- To describe the intestinal presence of the human ecnomotopic TAS2Rs and its relationship with gut functionality and its association with age.
- To describe the intestinal presence of the human ecnomotopic TAS2Rs in morbid obesity, and their relationship with the changes in the metabolic profile produced by bariatric surgery.
- To find out the effects on the gut function of the activation of selected intestinal TAS2Rs and their communication with adipose, hepatica and immune tissues.
Open access publications
- Florijan Jalševac, Ximena Terra, Esther Rodríguez-Gallego, Raúl Beltran-Debón, Maria Teresa Blay, Montserrat Pinent, and Anna Ardévol (2022). The Hidden One: What We Know About Bitter Taste Receptor 39. Frontiers in Endocrinology 13. View full-text
- Helena Segú, Florijan Jalševac, Montserrat Pinent, Anna Ardévol, Ximena Terra, and Maria Teresa Blay (2022). Intestinal Morphometric Changes Induced by a Western-Style Diet in Wistar Rats and GSPE Counter-Regulatory Effect. Nutrients 14, no. 13: 2608. View full-text
- Descamps-Solà M, Vilalta A, Jalsevac F, Blay MT, Rodríguez-Gallego E, Pinent M, Beltrán-Debón R, Terra X and Ardévol A (2023). Bitter taste receptors along the gastrointestinal tract: comparison between humans and rodents. Front. Nutr. 10:1215889. View full-text
Outreach activities
- European Researchers' Night 2021: "Al nostre budell també li agraden els insectes, els oblidats de l'hort".
- EstiURV 2022: “Biotecnologia a la teva taula”.
- European Researchers' Night 2023: “El gust més avall de la boca”.