Hussain Ahmed Tariq

PhD Programme: Thermodynamics Fluid Engineering
Research group: CREVER – Group of Research in Applied Thermal Engineering
Supervisors: Alberto Coronas Salcedo & Mahmoud Bourouis
Hussain Ahmed Tariq is a Mechanical Engineer from HITEC University, Pakistan in 2014. After bachelor, he obtained a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering specializing in Fluid and Thermal Systems from Institute of Space Technology, Pakistan in 2017. His major work includes the improvements of electronics cooling and published several research articles in ISI-indexed impact factor Journals. During his master, he also had a chance to work in a University in his native country where he taught several theoretical and practical courses to undergraduate students.
He is now enrolled in a project "Theoretical and experimental investigation on sorption processes with water/LiBr mixtures in advanced heat and mass exchangers for absorption heat pumps" in URV CREVER-Group of Research in Applied Thermal Engineering.
Project: Theoretical and experimental investigation on sorption processes with water/LiBr mixtures in advanced heat and mass exchangers for absorption heat pumps
The main objective of the research project is the development of advanced heat and mass exchangers for the absorber and desorber of new water-LiBr Absorption Heat Pumps for space heating and cooling applications in order to be compact and competitive from energy, environmental and economic perspectives with respect to conventional systems. To achieve the main goal, the absorption and desorption processes with water/LiBr based solutions will be studied for a selected technology to determine the wettability behavior, the heat and mass transfer coefficients and other efficiency criteria under the working conditions of Absoprtion Heat pumps used for both heating and cooling mode. An experimental set-up will be built and equipped with the necessary measurements sensors in order to collect redundant data that allow to examine the quality of the database and if necessary to apply a data reconciliation method. Results of the experimental studies will be used to develop semi-empirical models of the heat and mass transfer coefficients that will be implemented in a simulation tool.
Outreach activities
- European Researchers’ Night 2021: “Efficient cooling systems for compact high processing microelectronic devices”
- European Researchers' Night 2022: “Nanotecnologia per a les teràpies contra el càncer guiades per imatges”
- Hussain Ahmed Tariq, Juan Prieto, Alberto Coronas, “Experimental Study of Water Absorption Process on Horizontal Tube Falling Film Absorber with LiBr + Ionic Liquid as Additive for Heating and Cooling Applications: Preliminary Results”. CYTEF, Cartagena, (17th - 19th April, 2022)
- Hussain Ahmed Tariq, Mahmoud Bourouis, Juan Prieto, Alberto Coronas, “Analysis of operating conditions of water/air cooled water/LiBr absorption chillers for cooling and heating applications”. CNIT, Madrid, (29th - 1st July, 2022)
- David Latorre, Hussain A. Tariq, Mahmoud Bourouis, María Soledad Larrechi, Daniel Salavera, Alberto Coronas, “Uso De Líquidos Iónicos Como Aditivos De La Mezcla Agua/Bromuro De Litio Para La Mejora De Prestaciones En Máquinas De Refrigeración Y Bombas De Calor Por Absorción”. Escuela de Primavera (EPSISE2022), A Coruña (2nd-4th June, 2022)
- Hussain Ahmed Tariq, “Experimental characterization of a water/LiBr horizontal tubes falling film absorber using an ionic liquid as additive”. 26th International Congress of Refrigeration, Paris, (21st - 25th Aug, 2023)
International secondment
- Savoie Mont-Blanc University, France. 3 months (2023)