José Ignacio Sánchez Vergara

PhD Programme: Economics and Business
Research group: ASO – Social and Organizational Analylis
Supervisors: Eleni Papaoikonomou & Matías Ginieis Iribarren
José Ignacio Sánchez Vergara holds a Bachelor degree in Public Relations and Communications (Cum Laude) from University of Zulia (Venezuela). Interested in Management, after his bachelor, he took a programme in Entrepreneurship, provided by the Institute of Higher Education and Administration (IESA) in Caracas, Venezuela. He holds a Master's degree in Strategic Communication at Risk Society from Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2015). Since then, he began to investigate in the field of strategies for the city-marketing. This work motivated him to continue in the same university as a PhD student in the Department of Economics and Business (in the area of Marketing) where he is investigating about sharing cities and their potential values as place brands and their urban imaginaries. Also, he has been an architect and associate professor at the University of Zulia, since 2008.
Project: Urban practices and social narratives in the sharing city. The construction of imaginaries from the new communities of sharing
This doctoral thesis focuses on the interdisciplinary study of the concept of sharing city (SC). The general objective was to explore from management, the imaginaries that are created in SC from its urban practices and social narratives. The thesis is a compendium of publications. The first is a systematic literature review on the SC concept. An important added value of this article is that it is the first academic study that examines and systematizes the practices of sharing in SC. The results strengthen the relationship between the sharing city label and how it uses place branding and place management strategies to consolidate its representation. The second publication focuses on the implementation of the SC by the institutional actor. Through the frame analysis, the strategic communication of Barcelona as a SC was explored. The results show that the local government accompanies urban growth from a social perspective, fosters narratives to identify and include more actors in the process, and transmits the values of sharing in a positive way. The third publication deals with coworking spaces in SC. The study was carried out in offices in Barcelona and Berlin, following the Grounded Theory method. The results revealed that atmospheres of place are designed to promote sharing, the commitment of members with the space/community, and that the culture of sharing is reinforced with corporate communication tools. This thesis contributes to the discussion about SC as an emerging label that focuses on community ideas and values. In addition, it places attention on urban practices and social narratives that promote the permanent relationship between city actors, as well as the search for citizen consensus.
Open Access Publications
- José Ignacio Sánchez Vergara, Eleni Papaoikonomou, Matías Ginieis. Exploring the strategic communication of the sharing city project through frame analysis: The case of Barcelona sharing city, Cities, Volume 110, 2021, 103082. View full-text
- José Ignacio Sánchez-Vergara, Matías Ginieis, Eleni Papaoikonomou, The emergence of the sharing city: A systematic literature review to understand the notion of the sharing city and explore future research paths, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 295, 2021, 126448. View full-text
- PHD THESIS: Urban practices and social narratives in the sharing city. The construction of imaginaries from the new communities of sharing
International secondment
- Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. 3 months (2019).
Outreach activities
- European Researchers’ Night 2019: “Sharing Tarragona”.
- Science Week 2019, Escola Internacional del Camp: “Dime cómo te mueves y te diré si contaminas”.
Awards & Prizes
- Finalist of the contest “Vols saber què investigo?” 2019.
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Barcelona se comunica como una ciudad colaborativa, de oportunidades y modelo de buenas prácticas en el empoderamiento ciudadano
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Reviu el concurs 'Vols saber què investigo?' al canal de vídeo de la URV