Julia Marine Chrétien

PhD Programme: Gender Studies: Culture, Societies and Policies
Research group: GAS – Social Anthropology Research Group
Supervisors: Maria Dolors Comas d’Argemir Cendra & Yolanda Bodoque Puerta
Julia Chrétien holds a Bachelor's Degree in Management (2016) and a Master 1 in Finance (2017) from Paris-Dauphine University. After an international exchange with the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) in 2016, a traineeship in market finance in 2017, and a nine-month trip in South America in 2018, she obtained a Master Degree in Development Studies (2020) from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Julia Chrétien studies the problematics of care for adult and elderly people from various perspectives: feminist anthropology and sociology of labour, ethics of care, queer studies, feminist epistemologies. She went to Buenos Aires for her Master thesis and investigated care work in a public elderly home from February to May 2020, during the first wave of Covid pandemic.
Project: Lesbians, care and aging: subverting the boundaries of gender, age and sexuality?
The main goal of doctoral research is to question the notion of care, as work, as ethical and political proposals and as a category of analysis, from the organization of care amongst elderly lesbians. The main objective is to question the concept of care from elderly lesbians' experiences, and to see how do sexuality, age, gender, class and race, as social relations, are imbricated. From the general objective, the specific goals are:
- Exploring care practices from and amongst elderly lesbians in specific contexts.
- Understanding their relationship with intimacy, ageing, sexuality, body, love and friendship.
- Analyzing how do caring practices allow us to explore the imbrications of sexuality and gender.
- Experimenting the potential of care as a critical and analytical perspective, and dialoging with the feminist and lesbian theories and epistemologies.
- Contemplating the limits or the boundaries of the notion of care, and exploring other concepts (mutual support, reciprocity, etc.)
The investigation is based on an ongoing ethnographic work, exploring feminist methodology.
Outreach activities
- European Researchers' Night 2022: "Imagina hacer ciencia".
International secondment
- Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina, Argentina. 3 months (2023).