Marco Andrés Bustamante Quiñones

PhD Programme: Oenology and Biotechnology
Research group: ENOLAP – Applied Oenology
Supervisor: Fernando Zamora Marín, Joan Miquel Canals Bosch (URV) & Mariona Gil Cortiella (Universidad Autónoma de Chile)
Marco Bustamante obtained the BSc degree of Agricultural Engineer and MSc in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Chile. As soon as he began his studies, he developed an interest in teaching through various support spaces in the studies of new students, as well as a close relationship with public schools in his country promoting the democratization of science. Once he joined the oenology research group, he showed great interest in the chemistry applied to fermented beverages, so upon graduating he dedicated his first years as a professional to the development of the viticultural and oenological sector of indigenous communities in his country. He has also carried out studies on sweet cherry and European hazelnut fruits. He is currently a student of the doctoral program in biotechnology and oenology, where he works with the Oenological Technology group, in the line of research that seeks to evaluate the potential of bioprotective microorganisms against chemical and enzymatic oxidation during wine fermentation.
Project: Effects of laccase on wine quality
For decades, sulfur dioxide (SO2) has been widely used in the food and wine industry, due to its ability to inhibit the chemical and enzymatic processes of oxidation and browning, as well as contributing against the consumption of microorganisms that reduce health and organoleptic acceptance, however, little by little the market has demanded its replacement by more innocuous alternatives. In this sense, the industry is searching for new protectors against these processes where microorganisms with the ability to consume a large amount of oxygen emerge as an alternative to reduce the oxidation of phenolic compounds. That is why the main objective of this project is to evaluate the performance of different strains of fermenting organisms against enzymatic and chemical oxidation. Different physicochemical and organoleptic parameters such as phenolic and aromatic composition will be evaluated.